Times Colonist

Space, the final genetic frontier


WASHINGTON, D.C. — From his eyes to his immune system, astronaut Scott Kelly’s body sometimes reacted strangely to nearly a year in orbit, at least compared with his Earth-bound identical twin. But newly published research shows nothing that would cause the cancellati­on of even longer space treks, such as to Mars.

The good news is that Kelly largely bounced back after returning home, say scientists who released final results from NASA’s “twins study,” a never before opportunit­y to track the biological consequenc­es of spacefligh­t in genetic doubles.

It marks “the dawn of human genomics in space,” said Dr. Andrew Feinberg of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He led one of 10 teams of researcher­s that scrutinize­d the twins’ health down to the molecular level before, during and after Kelly’s 340-day stay in the Internatio­nal Space Station.

More importantl­y, the study “represents more than one small step for mankind” by pointing out potential risks of longer-duration spacefligh­t that need study in more astronauts, said Markus Lobrich of Germany’s Darmstadt University and Penny Jeggo of the University of Sussex, who weren’t involved in the work.

The findings were published in Friday’s edition of the journal Science.

NASA already knew some of the toll of space travel, such as bone loss that requires exercise to counter. This time, NASA-funded scientists looked for a gamut of physiologi­c and genomic changes that Scott Kelly experience­d in space, comparing them with his DNA double on the ground, former astronaut Mark Kelly.

Possibly the weirdest finding had to do with telomeres, the protective ends of chromosome­s. The tips gradually shorten as we get older and are thought to be linked to age-related diseases, including some cancers.

But in space, Scott Kelly’s telomeres got longer. “We were surprised,” said Colorado State University telomere expert Susan Bailey. She can’t explain it, although it doesn’t mean Kelly got younger. Back on Earth, his telomeres mostly returned to preflight average, although he did have more short telomeres than before.

Next, Kelly’s DNA wasn’t mutated in space, but the activity of many of his genes — how they switch on and off — changed, especially in the last half of the voyage, which ended in March 2016.

Immune system genes especially were affected, putting it “almost on high alert as a way to try and understand this new environmen­t,” said study co-author Christophe­r Mason, a Weill Cornell Medicine geneticist in New York.

Again, most gene expression returned to normal back home, but some of the immune-related genes were hyperactiv­e six months later.

“We learned that the human body is pretty resilient and we can survive and to some extent maybe even thrive on these long-duration flights,” Mark Kelly said.

Other findings included: • Some changes in the structure of Kelly’s eye and thickening of his retina suggested that, as with about 40 per cent of astronauts, he experience­d symptoms of “spacefligh­t-associated neuro-ocular syndrome.” It may be caused by fluids shifting in the absence of gravity. • He experience­d some chromosoma­l instabilit­y that might reflect radiation exposure in space. • A flu shot given in space worked as well as one on Earth. • Kelly aced cognitive tests in space, but slowed down after his return, maybe as more things competed for his attention.

“It was a real privilege to be part of this study,” said Scott Kelly, who spent the year in space along with Russia’s Mikhail Kornienko. Kelly retired from NASA soon after his return.

He said it probably took him six months once back on Earth before he felt 100 per cent again, but acknowledg­ed his wife said it seemed more like eight months.

What was particular­ly hard, he said, was getting used to not having a schedule dictating his life in five-minute increments every single day, as there was in space.

During a teleconfer­ence he joked with his twin: “I got all the glory and you got a lot of work.”

“I got people coming to my house for tubes of blood,” said Mark Kelly. “But it’s great we learned that the human body is pretty resilient, and we can survive and to some extent maybe even thrive on these long-duration flights,” he added.

As for trips to Mars, Mark Kelly said: “I hope it’s sooner rather than later, and hopefully, our participat­ion in this study will help us get closer to making a mission like that a success.”

Researcher­s studied months’ worth of blood, urine and fecal samples, along with cognitive and physical tests and ultrasound scans.

 ?? TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ?? Twins Mark Kelly, left, and Scott Kelly, who spent nearly one year aboard the Internatio­nal Space Station.
TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Twins Mark Kelly, left, and Scott Kelly, who spent nearly one year aboard the Internatio­nal Space Station.

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