Times Colonist

When marriage goes sour



Marriage Story Vic Theatre Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver, Merritt Wever. Directed by: Noah Baumbach Parental advisory: PG Rating: Four stars out of four

Noah Baumbach is a keen observer of life’s banalities. His films revel in the strange and wonderful and awkward things people say and do in the course of the day. But his real magic is turning ordinarine­ss into cinema.

He can take that feeling of post-graduate paralysis or middle-age stasis, topics that are not exactly unexplored in film, and make them feel fresh and more lifelike and lasting than even your own memories.

His worlds are ones you feel like you already live in, even if he’s exploring an ugly moment that everyone would rather forget as soon as possible, as in his latest Marriage Story, which is actually about divorce.

It’s a subject that Baumbach has taken on before, in The Squid and the Whale, although this time he’s not coming at it through kids’ eyes, but the adults.’ And it is a devastatin­g and hilariousl­y authentic look at a fracturing marriage, the casualties, the misunderst­andings, the feelings and the absurditie­s of the legal system around it.

The centre of this story is a couple, Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) and Charlie (Adam Driver). She’s an actor from Los Angeles. He’s an acclaimed New York theatre director. They met in the middle, when she was looking to escape her trajectory after a teen sex comedy and a too-young engagement and he was a promising nobody. She moved to New York and their lives for the next decade became intertwine­d, through work, marriage and a child, until it broke. There’s not exactly one inciting source for the split that we’re ever privy to, more like the culminatio­n of 10 years’ worth of life that adds up to an untenable unhappines­s.

We meet Nicole and Charlie in this moment of separation, but we’re already invested after hearing letters they’ve written about what exactly they love about the other person. But even knowing these things, the film lets you quickly understand that this relationsh­ip has fully curdled.

She’s going to Los Angeles with their eight-yearold son Henry (Azhy Robertson) to film a television pilot. He’s staying in New York and taking the play that once starred her to Broadway. They’re breaking up and they want to do so as painlessly as possible. No lawyers. Equal splits. Dream on, Charlie and Nicole, even nice divorces get ugly — there’s a whole industry there to make sure of it.

Marriage Story takes the audience deep into this world, showing how two people fully invested in splitting amicably can get swept up so easily in animosity and legal challenges. And Baumbach has written and cast the divorce lawyers brilliantl­y, with a crackling Laura Dern as Nora, Nicole’s lawyer. Alan Alda plays the sweet, coddling option for Charlie. His alternativ­e is an expensive bulldog played by Ray Liotta.

Baumbach fills Marriage Story with a whole ensemble of memorable supporting characters who you only ever want to see more of. Merritt Wever, as Nicole’s sister, Cassie, has a wonderful scene with the divorce papers. Julie Hagerty plays Nicole’s daffy and sweet actress mother, Sandra. Wallace Shawn gets some laughs as an oversharin­g theatre veteran. And there are a lot of fun, smaller roles from Baumbach regulars like Carlos Jacott, Jasmine Cephas Jones and Mickey Sumner, to name just a few.

But make no mistake, the film belongs to Johansson and Driver, two actors who get to really shine in ways audiences may have forgotten they could in the haze of their big franchises, or maybe have never even seen in this way before. Either way, both will make your heart ache.

Alone, they are excellent whether it’s Johansson trying to wrap her head around what went wrong or Driver simply singing Stephen Sondheim’s Being Alive. And together they’re on fire. In what is basically The Scene of the movie, Nicole and Charlie attempt to have a moment of civility that only devolves and escalates into one of those fights that comes right up to the line of being actually dangerous. Somehow both laughter and tears are an appropriat­e response to this showdown.

Marriage Story is such a perfect blend of writing, unflashy direction, spot on performanc­es and score (by Randy Newman) that you hardly even notice all the individual ingredient­s making up the whole. Its triumph is that it just feels like life.

 ?? NETFLIX ?? Scarlett Johansson, left, and Adam Driver star in Marriage Story.
NETFLIX Scarlett Johansson, left, and Adam Driver star in Marriage Story.

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