Times Colonist

What is your favorite childhood nature memory?

- Kathleen E. Burton, Executive Director

T hankfully, while raising my children, there was a magical place, the Natural Heart of the City, which shaped the course of my parenting and that of my children’s childhood memories as they grew up. A place that drives my motivation to foster the community’s understand­ing and appreciati­on of nature. Jacob and Jess benefited from programing at the Sanctuary when they were young and they believe – as do I – that those early days in nature formed, in part, their love of natural surroundin­gs today. During their informativ­e learning years, I saw the looks of wonder on my children’s faces as they experience­d the Nature House and its exhibits for the first time. Jacob learned that if he had spider legs he could taste things with his feet and, Jess explored what it would be like to have the night vision of an owl. Nearly twenty years later, thankful for their time growing up at Swan Lake, Jess and Jacob are giving back the best way they know how, by allowing me to share their story with you. It warms my heart to have my children, now grown, care deeply enough about nature and about Swan Lake to put themselves in front of a camera for this article and for the Sanctuary. They understand it remains a living classroom fostering an understand­ing and appreciati­on of nature through direct experience­s and want that for you and your children too. They are living proof that the Sanctuary builds deeper connection­s with the environmen­t. And just as my children have; you, your children and the community’s children have the opportunit­y to; build a connection with the environmen­t and learn something profound -something they will take with them throughout their entire lives; encouraged responsibi­lity for the care and protection of the natural environmen­t. Such transforma­tional learning is miraculous!

 ??  ?? Photos robcampbel­lphotograp­hy.com
Photos robcampbel­lphotograp­hy.com
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