Times Colonist

With nothing to stop them in their tracks, goats invade town


LONDON — Un-baaaaa-lievable — this wild bunch is completely ignoring rules on social-distancing.

With people sheltering indoors to escape the new coronaviru­s, mountain goats are taking advantage of the peace and space to roam in frisky clumps through the streets of Llandudno, a town in North Wales.

Andrew Stuart, a video producer for the Manchester Evening News, has been posting videos of the furry adventurer­s on his Twitter feed and they are racking up hundreds of thousands of views.

He said the goats normally keep largely to themselves, in a country park that butts up against Llandudno. But now, emboldened by the lack of people and cars, the long-horned animals are venturing deeper into the seaside town. The U.K. has been in lockdown for the past week to combat the spread of the coronaviru­s.

“There’s no one around at the moment, because of the lockdown, so they take their chances and go as far as they can. And they are going further and further into the town,” Stuart told the Associated Press in an interview Tuesday from his parents’ pub in Llandudno, where he is waiting out the pandemic.

His videos show the goats munching on people’s neatly trimmed hedges and trees in front yards and loitering casually on empty streets as if they own the place.

“One of the videos on my Twitter shows that they were on a narrow side street and I was on the other side and they were scared of me. They were edging away from me. So they are still scared of people,” Stuart said. “But when there’s hardly anyone around on the big streets, they are taking their chances. They are absolutely going for it.

“And I think because it’s so quiet, and there’s hardly anyone around to scare them or anything, that they just don’t really care and are eating whatever they can.”

 ??  ?? A goat walks past a closed store in Llandudno, North Wales, on Tuesday. Mountain goats have been taking advantage of the deserted streets of the seaside town during the U.K.’s coronaviru­s lockdown.
A goat walks past a closed store in Llandudno, North Wales, on Tuesday. Mountain goats have been taking advantage of the deserted streets of the seaside town during the U.K.’s coronaviru­s lockdown.

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