Times Colonist

No time for politickin­g amid pandemic


Re: “In handling of pandemic, we need to hear opposing and questionin­g voices,” commentary, May 5.

I understand Bob Plecas’s assertion that the legislatur­e is “where questions should be asked and answered.”

Given my residence of 40-plus years in this province, I would characteri­ze B.C. politics as notoriousl­y partisan.

People don’t vote for a party in B.C., as much as vote against a party.

An example of this is that, as a retired teacher, how could I ever vote for the B.C. Liberal party?

If I could be assured that Andrew Wilkinson and his Liberal caucus would ask helpful, insightful questions, then I say recall the legislatur­e immediatel­y. However, experience tells me that any future question period would be all about scoring points with an eye towards winning a future election.

While that is “traditiona­l” how is that either “appropriat­e” or “essential” during the current crisis?

Mark Fetterly Victoria

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