Times Colonist

Quadriga’s collapse result of fraud: regulator


TORONTO — The Quadriga cryptocurr­ency exchange that saw millions of dollars disappear just as its founder died was a “fraud” and Ponzi scheme, according to the Ontario Securities Commission.

The regulator said Thursday that Vancouver-based Quadriga’s late founder, Gerald Cotten, committed fraud by opening accounts under aliases and crediting himself with fictitious currency and crypto asset balances, which he traded with unsuspecti­ng clients.

Cotten, the OSC said in a new report, ran into a shortfall in assets available to satisfy client withdrawal­s when the price of the crypto assets changed. He started running a Ponzi scheme that covered the shortfall with other clients’ deposits, the agency determined.

“What happened at Quadriga was an old-fashioned fraud wrapped in modern technology,” the OSC said.

“Quadriga did not consider its business to involve securities trading and it did not register with any securities regulator. This lack of registrati­on facilitate­d

Cotten’s ability to commit a large-scale fraud without detection. So did the absence of internal oversight.”

The OSC spent 10 months analyzing trading and blockchain data, interviewi­ng key witnesses, collaborat­ing with overseas regulatory bodies and using third-party and bank informatio­n to reconstruc­t what was going on at Quadriga in the months leading up to 30-year-old Cotten’s death.

Cotton died due to complicati­ons of Crohn’s disease during his December 2018 honeymoon in India, where he was also opening an orphanage.

Around the same time, Quadriga users reported nearly $190 million in missing cryptocurr­ency.

Cotten’s widow, Jennifer Robertson, tried to locate passwords for Quadriga accounts, but said she couldn’t find any her husband had written down.

The laptop he used was also encrypted, she testified, when Quadriga sought creditor protection last year.

Robertson had no comment on the OSC report, her lawyer Richard Niedermaye­r said in an email to the Canadian Press.

On Thursday, the OSC attributed about $115 million of the $169 million clients lost to Cotten’s “fraudulent” trading.

Another $28 million was lost when Cotten used client assets on three external crypto asset trading platforms without authorizat­ion or disclosure.

The OSC said he also misappropr­iated millions in client assets to fund his “lavish” lifestyle and because he was in sole control of the company since 2016, he “ran the business as he saw fit.”

Clients entrusted their money and crypto assets to Quadriga, which provided “no meaningful insight” into how those assets were being stored, moved and spent, and instead gave false assurances.

By the time the OSC started investigat­ing, more than 76,000 clients — about 40 per cent of them Ontarians — were owed a combined $215 million

Ernst & Young, Quadriga’s bankruptcy trustee, was only able to recover $46 million in assets to pay out to clients.

“OSC Staff would likely have pursued an enforcemen­t,” the agency wrote in its report. “However, this is not practical given that Cotten is deceased and Quadriga is bankrupt, with its assets subject to a court-supervised distributi­on process.”

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