Times Colonist

Economists accused of failing to acknowledg­e racial bias


BALTIMORE — The field of economics is facing an upheaval, with African-American scholars decrying bias in the profession and presenting evidence that leading journals have failed to publish sufficient research that documents racial inequaliti­es.

This tumult reflects racial dynamics at a delicate moment set against the backdrop of protests over the police killing of George Floyd that have thrust varying forms of bias into public consciousn­ess. Though videos have illustrate­d police brutality against African Americans and others, the extent of racially driven economic problems is often less recognized.

U.S. President Donald Trump has cited the 5.8 per cent unemployme­nt rate for African-Americans before the pandemic struck as evidence of improving racial equality. Yet that figure was nearly twice as high as the unemployme­nt rate for whites. And it overlooks data on housing, wealth and student debt that point to vast racial inequaliti­es. Leading research has shown that racial discrimina­tion has not only slowed economic gains for black Americans but also depressed prosperity for America as a whole.

“We’re not tapping into the wealth of talent that we have,” said Lisa Cook, an economist at Michigan State University who hosted a webinar this week that illustrate­d how segregatio­n and racially motivated violence had, among other things, held back patent filings by African-Americans. Because racism has diminished the role of black Americans in innovation, her research shows that the U.S. is effectivel­y losing 4.4 per cent of gross domestic product annually.

Cook asserted that all Americans should be concerned about the problem because without sufficient innovation, “our living standards are under threat.”

Widespread racial disparitie­s are evident in the economics profession itself. A survey last year by the American Economic Associatio­n found that 47 per cent of African-Americans reported being discrimina­ted against or treated unfairly because of their race, compared with just four per cent of whites. Only 0.6 per cent of doctoral degrees in economics and two per cent of bachelor’s degrees in economics went to African-American women in 2017.

Some leading gatekeeper­s of policy and economic research have appeared to downplay or even deny the problems bred by the legacies of slavery, segregatio­n and mass incarcerat­ion.

“I don’t believe there’s systemic racism in the U.S.,” Larry Kudlow, director of the White House National Economic Council, told reporters on Wednesday.

Harald Uhlig, a professor at the University of Chicago and the top editor of the Journal of Political Economy, tweeted recently that activists who are seeking to defund police department­s because of the violence committed against African-Americans were “flat-earthers.”

In 2017, Uhlig wrote a blog post suggesting that football players could dress in Ku Klux Klan garb to expose the hypocrisy of free-speech advocates who support the right of football players to take a knee during the U.S. national anthem to protest racism. Many economists are now calling on Uhlig to resign as the journal’s editor.

Research about race has largely been excluded from the top five economic journals. Of the 7,567 research papers published in those journals between 1990 and 2018, just 29 dealt with race and ethnicity, according to an analysis by Dania Francis and Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman published Thursday by Newsweek.

“This is a moment for self-reflection within the economics profession, and we have a real possibilit­y to make lasting, impactful change,” said Francis, a professor at the University of Massachuse­tts Boston. “However, change is always difficult, often met with resistance and can be especially divisive when it involves addressing racial disparity.”

The lack of academic research published in top journals contrasts with evidence that racial inequality is a pervasive economic problem. African-Americans have higher unemployme­nt rates and lower unemployme­nt rates. Federal Reserve figures show that the net worth of a median African-American household is equal to just 10 cents for every dollar of wealth for white households.

Academic economists have been grappling with a range of challenges to their profession, including a rising considerat­ion of social issues that complicate some fundamenta­l economic models taught to college students.

Harvard University’s Raj Chetty, who pioneered the use of tax data to assess economic mobility, is teaching a class driven by data rather than by what might be called abstract principles. Chetty’s research with colleagues has found troubling racial disparitie­s, such as job booms in Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, that largely excluded African-Americans who grew up in those areas.

Michigan State University’s Cook has said that one remedy would be to provide more career paths to African-American economists at universiti­es, think tanks and the editorial boards of top research journals. The lack of career paths makes it harder to persuade African-Americans to study economics.

“They’re not hiring black people in department­s,” Cook said. “Where are they supposed to go?”

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