Times Colonist

Beware special levies, rising rates

- TONY GIOVENTU Condo Smarts tony@choa.bc.ca Tony Gioventu is executive director of the Condominiu­m Home Owners Associatio­n

Dear Tony: I was dismayed to open my mail yesterday to discover our strata council has issued a notice of special levy to pay for a $100,000 insurance deductible for damages caused as a result of a flooded rooftop area and back up that occurred during one of our spring storms. There were damages to 11 strata lots in addition to common areas and one elevator. Our strata corporatio­n is a combinatio­n of townhouses and apartments, and the apartment units operate as a separate section where the damages occurred, so we don’t understand why the townhouse owners are having to pay for their damages and why the owners are not being given an option to pay for the deductible from their contingenc­y reserve funds as opposed to a special levy as we have sufficient funds to cover the cost. Our insurance renews end of August, so this is likely going to have an impact on costs and raise our strata fees once again, in addition to the added levy.

Pamela K., Fraser Valley When a strata corporatio­n creates sections, it creates separate legal entities that are responsibl­e for maintenanc­e, repairs, operating and use of those areas that are exclusive to that section.

A section can basically do anything a corporatio­n can do, but it does not eliminate or dissolve the obligation­s of the strata corporatio­n.

Sections could be a division between different types of housing, or a division between different uses such as commercial and residentia­l. To guarantee all owners are protected, the corporatio­n is still required to maintain insurance on the common property, common assets, the buildings shown on the strata plan and all original fixtures constructe­d by the owner developer, for all the perils and coverage required by the Strata Property Act.

The creation of sections does not change this obligation or divide the liability for claims between sections. When a claim arises, if the amount is above the deductible, the claim is processed through the strata corporatio­n policy and the deductible is a common expense of the strata corporatio­n.

The deductible can be paid in a variety of options — through the operating account or contingenc­y reserve fund of the corporatio­n if there are sufficient funds available, or the strata corporatio­n may special levy all owners, based on the unit entitlemen­t of all units for common expenses of the strata corporatio­n.

The strata corporatio­n does not require a three-quarter vote at a general meeting for this type of levy. The levy must identify the amount, the purpose of the levy, which is a common expense insurance deductible, the due date(s) of payment either in one lump sum or over several payments and show how the levy was calculated.

There are benefits to applying a levy for a common expense deductible for both the strata corporatio­n and the owners. The strata corporatio­n will not deplete much needed cash reserves either from operating or contingenc­y funds and if owners have purchased appropriat­e home owner insurance, the owners may be eligible to have their home owner policy cover the deductible claim for a lower home owner deductible. Because your townhouses are larger, you are paying a higher unit entitlemen­t with your share of the levy being $1,850.

Your homeowner policy does cover this claim and your deductible will be $300. It is your choice to either pay the deductible or file a claim, which may have an impact on your homeowner policy in future years. The increase in deductible­s is having a dramatic effect for strata corporatio­ns. It is either resulting in scenarios such as yours where owners will more commonly be faced with shares of deductible costs, or the amount of the claim will not exceed a deductible amount and each owner who has experience­d damages, along with the strata corporatio­n for common property repairs, will be faced with managing the restoratio­n and repair costs to their own units whether they have home owner insurance or not.

This is a serious wake-up call for strata lot owners. If you operate without insurance coverage for your personal contents, betterment­s in your strata lot, the cost of deductible claims or the general restoratio­n of your strata lot, you could be facing serious financial hardship. If this claim had been the responsibi­lity of an owner, their occupants or tenants, the owner could easily discover they are liable for the entire cost of the $100,000 deductible. With the increasing rise in strata corporatio­n deductible­s up to $250,000 and $500,000, I advise all strata property owners to obtain a copy of their strata policy renewal documents and speak with an insurance broker about your best options for coverage.

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