Times Colonist

More listening could reduce use of force by police

- STEVE WOOLRICH Steve Woolrich is a Crime Prevention Practition­er and the principal of Rethink Urban’s collaborat­ive focusing on Community Safety and Well-Being.

The beat goes on, and police services across the country and around the world might find themselves marching to different orders in 2021.

Budget talks are already underway in some municipali­ties, and city councillor­s will be crunching the numbers. While the local politics of policing will be interestin­g to follow, who knows what might shake out at the provincial and federal levels.

You don’t have to venture far in most cities to see police lights flashing and hear sirens wailing. It has become disturbing­ly common especially in the heart of most downtown cores.

This week, we cast some of that light on Peel’s Sixth Policing Principle, which states “police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficie­nt.”

Some would argue that the use of force by many police department­s and their officers seems to be on the rise. It’s a complex problem that certainly merits close attention, and a lot more research.

Let’s face it, modern policing has provided more tools to secure observance of the law and restore order than ever before. As civilians, we would prefer an officer’s persuasion, advice or warning over staring down the barrel of gun, being stunned by a Taser, struck with a baton or pepper sprayed — anytime.

Last week, the Ontario Human Rights Commission released a disturbing report on their inquiry into racial profiling and racial discrimina­tion of Black persons by the Toronto Police. It’s their second interim report. The data analysis ranges from 2013 to 2017.

The findings indicate that black people represent almost 32 per cent of people charged while they only make up 8.8 per cent of the population in Toronto. There has been an immediate call for action by the commission, and many others.

The Special Investigat­ions Unit, which is responsibl­e for investigat­ing incidents of death, serious injury, sexual allegation­s and assaults, involved Black people in 25 per cent of all investigat­ions.

Further findings indicated that 39 per cent of cases are not investigat­ed by this unit because they involve a lower-level of force, which begs the question: Who is investigat­ing those cases?

There are so many questions now being raised regarding matters where the police have used force, and the public is demanding answers. It’s complicate­d further when police investigat­e these matters themselves with little or no civilian oversight.

Further frustratio­n stems from how long many of these investigat­ions take. The RCMP watchdog is recommendi­ng statutory deadlines in order to speed up this process and have their officers respond in a timelier manner.

The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP says that their case findings are often sent to the police service for further input before a final report is completed, and this can sometimes take years.

It’s little wonder then that the public or a victim loses faith in the police. Remember, justice delayed is justice denied.

The current state of policing should encourage us to seek out the best ways possible to reduce the need for officers to use force, although it will always be necessary in some cases. Training is always the first and best line of defence so perhaps more verbal judo, de-escalation tactics or simply having a subtler approach could save more lives.

Every police incident is unique, and can often be unpredicta­ble so officer safety is paramount. However, we must protect everyone in these circumstan­ces, especially those who have been marginaliz­ed and are most vulnerable.

In Margaret Wheatley’s book titled Turning to One Another: Simple Conversati­ons to Restore Hope to the Future, the author shares a poem we can all learn from.

In it, she writes: “Remember, you don’t fear people whose story you know. Real listening always brings people closer together.”

Perhaps we should all start listening more, including police officers. We must all strive to resolve our problems peacefully. We might fear people a lot less if we just took the time that was necessary to learn their stories before resorting to force of any kind.

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