Times Colonist

Immunity begins to wane three months after infection

- DR. KEITH ROACH ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell.edu

Dear Dr. Roach: In your column about the COVID-19 vaccine, you review the Pfizer vaccine results along with your suggested approach. You say: “People with a history of COVID-19 infection benefitted from the vaccine just as much as those without, suggesting no natural immunity was present.” I’m curious what results from the study led you to this conclusion.

Anon. There is some degree of immunity after natural COVID-19 infection, for at least the first three months after infection. After that, immunity begins to wane.

In the large study for the Pfizer vaccine, longer-term immunity was evaluated by comparing the risk of acquiring COVID-19 (in the group that did NOT receive vaccine) between those who had antibodies showing previous infection against those who did not. The “attack rate” (the proportion infected by COVID-19) was 1.3% in people with and without COVID-19 antibodies at baseline.

The numbers were small: Only 3% of participan­ts had evidence of prior infection at study enrolment, and additional analyses showed that very few COVID-19 cases occurred in these participan­ts over the course of the entire study. The placebo group attack rate from enrolment to the end of the study was 1.3% both for participan­ts without evidence of prior infection at enrollment (259 cases in 19,818 participan­ts) and for participan­ts with evidence of prior infection at enrollment (9 cases in 670 participan­ts). While limited, these data do suggest that previously infected individual­s can be at risk of COVID-19 and could benefit from vaccinatio­n.

I have attached the briefing document where these data may be found to my page at Facebook.com/keithroach­md.

Dear Dr. Roach: My son contracted encephalit­is at age seven months in 1963. He had no upper respirator­y symptoms; he just fell asleep and then developed high fever, which left him deaf and with expressive aphasia. We never understood what happened.

I read an article about a correlatio­n between herpes simplex and encephalit­is. My husband had many episodes of cold sores. We wonder if that could have been the source of infection. What do you think?

M. It’s been nearly 60 years, but I am still sorry for what happened. Seeing a child become disabled is an extraordin­arily difficult thing for a parent, and raising a disabled child is a challenge for any family.

There are many causes of encephalit­is, and most can potentiall­y lead to neurologic­al disease, including deafness and aphasia. While herpes simplex viruses are a common cause, there are many viruses, bacteria and even parasites and fungi that could have been the cause. Since this was 1963, diseases that are [nearly] eliminated now, such as measles and rubella, would be common causes, though the vast majority of those have characteri­stic skin findings that no doctor in 1963 would have missed.

The incidence of encephalit­is in children is low, less than 1:10,000. Only a small percentage of those will be due to herpes. I wouldn’t advise parents in general to avoid kissing their children; however, it’s a good idea not to do so when a parent has a cold sore.

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