Times Colonist

Japan to release radioactiv­e water into Pacific in two years


TOKYO — Japan’s government announced Tuesday it would start releasing treated radioactiv­e water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean in two years. It’s a move that’s fiercely opposed by fishermen, residents and Japan’s neighbours.

The decision, long speculated at but delayed for years because of safety worries and protests, came during a meeting of cabinet ministers who endorsed the ocean release as the best option.

The accumulati­ng water has been stored in tanks at the Fukushima Daiichi plant since 2011, when a massive earthquake and tsunami damaged its reactors and their cooling water became contaminat­ed and began leaking. The plant’s storage capacity will be full late next year.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said the ocean release was the most realistic option and that disposing the water is needed to complete the decades-long decommissi­oning of the Fukushima plant. He said the government would work to make sure the water is safe and to help local agricultur­e, fisheries and tourism.

The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., and government officials say tritium, which is not harmful in small amounts, cannot be removed from the water, but all other selected radionucli­des can be reduced to releasable levels. Some scientists say the long-term impact on marine life from low-dose exposure to such large volumes of water is unknown.

The government stresses the water’s safety, calling it “treated” not “radioactiv­e,” even though radionucli­des can only be reduced to disposable levels, not to zero. The amount of radioactiv­e material that would remain in the water is unknown.

Releasing the water into the ocean was described as the most realistic solution by a government panel that for nearly seven years had discussed how to dispose of the water. The report last year mentioned evaporatio­n as a less desirable option.

Residents, fisheries officials and environmen­tal groups issued statements denouncing the decision as ignoring environmen­tal safety and health, and further hurting Fukushima’s image and economy.

Japan Fisheries Cooperativ­es chairman Hiroshi Kishi said the decision less than a week after he met with Suga “trampled on” all Japanese fisheries operators.

Local fisheries have just returned to full operation after a decade in which their catch was only for testing purposes, and they are struggling because of dwindling demand.

Protestors gathered outside the Prime Minister’s Office to demand the plan be scrapped.

TEPCO says its water storage capacity of 1.37 million tonnes will be full by fall of 2022. Also, the area now filled with storage tanks needs to be used for new buildings needed for other decommissi­oning works.

China and South Korea reacted strongly to Tuesday’s decision.

Koo Yun-cheol, minister of South Korea’s Office for Government Policy Coordinati­on, said the plan was “absolutely unacceptab­le” and urged Japan to disclose how the water is treated and its safety is verified. South Korea has banned seafood imports from parts of Japan since 2013 and could increase those steps.

China criticized Japan’s decision as “extremely irresponsi­ble,” saying it had not considered the health concerns of neighbouri­ng countries.

 ?? KYODO NEWS VIA AP ?? Aerial photo shows Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo. A large amount of radioactiv­e water has been stored in tanks at the Fukushima plant after it was wrecked in a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011.
KYODO NEWS VIA AP Aerial photo shows Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo. A large amount of radioactiv­e water has been stored in tanks at the Fukushima plant after it was wrecked in a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

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