Times Colonist

Taking Your Training to the Next Level

Five ways to change up your running routine

- By Bruce Deacon

Has your running hit a plateau? Your fitness gains are minimal, and your personal bests are a thing of the past. If this sounds like you, here is what likely got you there. Training is all based on the principle of supercompe­nsation. When you train hard, you create microscopi­c damage to your muscles and force the release of hormones that create changes to your aerobic capacity. With rest, recovery and proper nutrition, your body comes back stronger and fitter than before. We train to cause this sort of an adaptation.

But sometimes this doesn’t work as hoped. Many runners never push their limits and don’t work hard enough to force their body to adapt. Doing the same distance at the same pace every day might work at first, but then the body gets used to this stress and no longer needs to adapt.

Not giving your body adequate recovery to rest and come back stronger is a common mistake. At first this just leads to a constant state of fatigue and an inability to run the same times or distance. Eventually, you get sick or injured.

Lastly, you need proper nutrition so that your muscles can repair and recharge for the next bout of hard work. Some runners just don’t eat enough of the right foods to benefit from their training. Here’s some tips on changing up your training.

Have Hard and Easy Days. Plan for a long run and at least one other hard run per week. The other days should be easy recovery running. Easy days mean slowing down much more than you probably are used to. Aim to run a minute slower per kilometre than your marathon pace or a minute and a half slower than your 10 km pace.

Train at Your Key Paces. Every two weeks, try to do some running at your 5 km and 10 km paces/ effort, and at a pace that you could hold for an hour. You will get a different training stress from each of these paces, but they don’t all need to be crammed into one week.

Take Recovery Seriously. Make sure you eat well after a hard or long run. Consume 250-400 calories within 20 minutes of finishing and ensure this contains some carbohydra­tes and protein. Take some time to roll out your muscles on a foam roller and to do some gentle stretching. Most of all, make sure you run at a slow and comfortabl­e pace on your easy days.

Run Long. Ideally, your long run is 20-25 per cent of your weekly running volume. If you are training for a marathon or half marathon, your long runs will need to build up to covering 80 per cent of your racing distance. These should be done at a comfortabl­e pace. To reduce your chances of injury, try to run these on softer surfaces.

Run with Others. Training in a group or with a training partner is a great way to get more quality in on your hard days. But never let your competitiv­e drive take over in training by racing your workouts. Pick training partners that are evenly matched so that you can help each other get in a quality session. There are no prizes for winning workouts.

Bruce Deacon is a 2x Olympic marathoner, 2x winner Coaching Associatio­n of Canada Coaching Excellence Award, sport consultant to Athletics Canada and Canadian Olympic Committee, and On-line Coach with the Royal Victoria Marathon.

 ??  ?? 2019 Royal Victoria Marathon photo by Matt Cecill
2019 Royal Victoria Marathon photo by Matt Cecill

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