Times Colonist

Tigray forces say Ethiopian airstrike killed 56 civilians


NAIROBI, Kenya — An airstrike in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region killed at least 56 people at a camp for displaced people, a spokesman for the Tigray forces said Saturday, as the country’s war continues despite the government’s talk of reconcilia­tion.

“Another callous drone attack,” Getachew Reda tweeted, saying the civilians had fled the conflict elsewhere in the region only to become the latest victims of recent airstrikes that have reportedly killed scores of people in Tigray.

Spokesmen for Ethiopia’s government and military did not respond to requests for comment on the airstrike, which could not be independen­tly confirmed. Much of Tigray remains cut off from the world, with limited communicat­ions for humanitari­an workers who have found their work severely constraine­d by a months-long government blockade.

Reports of the airstrike at the camp in Dedebit in northweste­rn Tigray came a day after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed issued a message of reconcilia­tion for Orthodox Christmas after 14 months of war.

Ethiopia’s conflict shifted in late December, when the Tigray forces fighting Ethiopia’s government withdrew back into the Tigray region after approachin­g the capital, Addis Ababa. A drone-supported military offensive pushed them back.

The UN’s humanitari­an agency reported late last month that between Dec. 19 and 24, “airstrikes on Tigray reportedly led to mass civilian casualitie­s, including dozens of people reportedly killed, making this the most intense series of air attacks and casualties reported since October.”

It said most attacks and casualties were reported in towns in southern Tigray.

The United Nations refugee agency reported Thursday that an airstrike killed three Eritrean refugees, two of them children, the previous day at the Mai Aini camp.

Ethiopia’s government on Friday announced an amnesty for some of the country’s most high-profile political detainees, including senior Tigray party officials. Ethiopia’s Ministry of Justice said the amnesty was granted “to make the upcoming national dialogue successful and inclusive.”

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The Gates of Hell, a blazing desert natural gas crater near Darvaza, Turkmenist­an, has been on fire for decades and has become a tourist attraction.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Gates of Hell, a blazing desert natural gas crater near Darvaza, Turkmenist­an, has been on fire for decades and has become a tourist attraction.

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