Times Colonist

Government­s are hurting our health care


In response to the recent announceme­nt about the dental-care program, it appears that the federal Liberals and NDP like to buy votes.

Isn’t that exactly what they did by making the alliance between them establishi­ng the national dental-care program? Haven’t we had enough of federal and provincial mismanagem­ent of our healthcare system so that now, we’d like to have them also mismanage and underfund the dental-care program?

All parties know we’re in a health-care crisis, and so what do they do but open the door for yet another underfunde­d and mismanaged government program. But it should bring in votes for them in the next election, don’t you think?

We constantly hear of profession­als from other countries who are trying to come to Canada, and the horror stories that they tell about the unbelievab­le bureaucrac­y that they face and the delays and costs of becoming “qualified” in Canada.

One would think that many of these applicants could be brought on stream almost immediatel­y in lower levels such as nursing assistants or nurse practition­ers, which would aid them in finding employment, and help with the medical personnel shortages from nurses to doctors.

They could work to become qualified in their chosen profession as doctors, nurses and so on.

Unfortunat­ely, our government­s don’t seem to want to act quickly enough to try to alleviate some of the issues that are presenting themselves because they don’t want to lose votes. We need new eyes to see how to move forward and resolve some of these serious problems. If we don’t, nothing will change.

Ernie Kuemmel Oak Bay

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