Times Colonist

Liberals want voting health breaks for parliament­arians after ‘obstructio­n’


OTTAWA — The Liberal government wants to impose “health breaks” to eliminate overnight voting in the House of Commons and to combat what they say is Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre’s personal agenda to “obstruct and create chaos.”

Government House leader Steve MacKinnon introduced the motion on Monday, with the New Democrats voicing their immediate support for it.

It would address the “obstructio­n” of the Opposition Conservati­ves for the remainder of the current parliament­ary session, and discourage such tactics in the future, MacKinnon said.

He billed the motion’s main objective as allowing the House to do its work, provide extensive time to debate bills and ultimately to turn the House of Commons into a healthy workspace.

Conservati­ve House leader Andrew Scheer promptly dismissed the motion as an effort to cover up “failures” by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Bloc Québécois MPs also described it as an “admission of failure.”

But MacKinnon insisted it’s a workplace health and safety issue, saying no one’s job should require them to stay awake for 30 straight hours.

That’s how long a Conservati­ve-led voting marathon on spending measures lasted in December. Many MPs stayed awake by reading books, eating fast food, streaming shows on their tablets or scrolling on Instagram and YouTube.

“It’s not healthy for anyone. No nurse, no doctor, no concierge, no anyone in this country should be subjected to that kind of thing,” MacKinnon said.

“No workplace would ever tolerate that kind of behaviour, least of all one that is voting for billions of dollars of supports for Canadians.”

The motion, if it passes, would make it so that under similar circumstan­ces, the House would sit until midnight and resume the following morning to allow for some rest time.

Poilievre has also acknowledg­ed the health impacts the December voting marathon had on the health of MPs.

During the vote, Poilievre tried to rally his caucus after making a show of fuelling their morale — and their bellies — with McChicken sandwiches from McDonald’s.

“I know this is not easy,” he said at the time. “It’s extra time away from family, it’s hard on your health, but we have to make a point. We said we would fight to axe the tax.”

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