Times Colonist

You have nothing to lose by confrontin­g snarky acquaintan­ce

- LISI TESHER Ask Lisi Lisi Tesher is an advice columnist based in Toronto. Email lisi@thestar.ca

Dear Lisi: I’m a successful 40-year-old woman, married, a mother, and I co-own a catering company. My husband and I have plenty of friends, from before we married, our individual sports and amongst the parents of our children’s classmates and peers.

So why is it bothering me that a woman I’ve known since school-age is consistent­ly rude and snarky to me whenever we meet at social events where our friends overlap? I always say a friendly hello and am surprised every time with her slap-in-theface response.

We were never close friends, never had a falling out, we always just skirted around each other’s friend group. Why would someone go out of their way to be especially hurtful to an acquaintan­ce?

Smacked again

She obviously harbours some ill-will towards you. Have you asked your mutual friends? One of them must have some clue as to what’s bothering her. If you can find out, then you know what you’re dealing with. If you can’t, just forget about it. Why waste your energy and effort?

But if you can’t shake it, gather up the courage to say something the next time you cross paths. Just come right out with it; you have nothing to lose. Though be prepared for whatever she spews.

Dear Lisi: I’m an almost 60-yearold woman, married to the same man I’ve been with since age 19. We have two daughters, aged 23 and 26.

I’ve known since adolescenc­e that I’m gay but chose not to tell anyone, nor have I had any relationsh­ips outside of my marriage.

On and off, I’ve struggled with the idea of being true to myself and others about this aspect of my identity. But, for over four decades I’ve kept my secret. It’s been difficult, and now that my children are independen­t and doing well for themselves, I’ve been working on myself physically, mentally and spirituall­y for the past year.

A month ago, a colleague invited me out for an after-work drink. We had a very nice time and I decided to come out to her. She is gay and I knew she’d understand. In truth, I have been attracted to her for a couple of years. Coming out to her was the easy part. But I blew it a week later and told her about my attraction. She was shocked. The holidays came and I haven’t seen her since.

I have two dilemmas: Do I tell my husband about my sexual orientatio­n? I want to be true to myself and be able to explore this. I don’t plan to end our marriage, but I want to know if he is open to my exploratio­ns.

Do I apologize to my friend because I really did not have to drop this “feelings bomb” like I did? While the attraction is there, I don’t want to lose a friendship over this. While I could slam the closet door shut, I feel like I deserve to be able to be me.

About coming out

You absolutely deserve to be you. Dilemma 1: Yes, I believe you should tell your husband. But be prepared that he may want to end the marriage. He may be very hurt, he may take this as a personal affront to his masculinit­y, he may be angry and feel you’ve lied to him for decades. Whatever he feels, you must allow for his feelings to have space and validity.

Dilemma 2: Yes, you should talk to your friend. Tell her that you care more about the friendship and can keep your attraction in check. Remind her that you’ve already kept it a secret all the years you’ve been friends. Hopefully she was just shocked and needed time to digest.

I highly suggest you find some informatio­n online, or someone you can talk to, who can help you come out to your husband, children, family and friends in a way that gives you strength, and helps them receive the news openly. These sites may be helpful: www.liveabout.com, www.strongfami­lyalliance.org, and www.familyequa­lity.org.

Note from Ellie Tesher: Today marks the beginning of a new and exciting adventure for me: After nearly 23 years of answering readers’ relationsh­ip questions, I’m leaving this space for a new weekly column in the Toronto Star.

First, my sincere thanks to all of you for reading my advice column over the past years … and more recently, for reading my daughter Lisi’s popular advice column, which will continue in this space, in the tradition of famous advisers (the late Ann Landers and her sister, Dear Abby) whose daughters also entered the advice field.

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