Times Colonist

Internatio­nal Women’s Day a celebratio­n and call to action


Women across the world will demand equal pay, reproducti­ve rights, education, justice, decision-making jobs and other essential needs during demonstrat­ions marking Internatio­nal Women’s Day today.

Officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977, Internatio­nal Women’s Day is commemorat­ed in different ways and to varying degrees in places around the world. Protests are often political and, at times, violent, rooted in women’s efforts to improve their rights as workers.

Demonstrat­ions are planned from Tokyo to Mexico City, and this year’s global theme is “Inspire Inclusion.”

Here is what to know about the March 8 global event:

• Internatio­nal Women’s Day is a global celebratio­n — and call to action — marked by demonstrat­ions, mostly of women, around the world, ranging from combative protests to charity runs. Some celebrate the economic, social and political achievemen­ts of women, while others urge government­s to guarantee equal pay, access to health care, justice for victims of gender-based violence and education for girls.

It is an official holiday in about 20 countries, including Afghanista­n, Burkina Faso, Ukraine, Russia and Cuba, the only one in the Americas.

Like in other aspects of life, social media plays an important role during Internatio­nal Women’s Day, particular­ly by amplifying attention to demonstrat­ions held in countries with repressive government­s toward women and dissent in general.

• While the idea behind a women’s day originated in U.S. with the American Socialist Party in 1909, it was a German feminist who pushed for a global commemorat­ion during an internatio­nal conference of socialist women in 1910 in Copenhagen. The following year, events across Europe marked the day, and during the First World War, women used it to protest the conflict.

Internatio­nal Women’s Day is observed on March 8 after a massive protest in Russia on Feb. 23, 1917, that led to the country’s eventual withdrawal from the war. At the time, Russia had not adopted the Gregorian calendar — named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in 1582 — and still used the Julian calendar — the brainchild of Julius Caesar and still used by Orthodox churches for religious rites.

“On Feb. 23 in Russia, which was March 8 in Western Europe, women went out on the streets and protested for bread and peace,” said Kristen Ghodsee, professor and chair of Russian and East European studies at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. Demonstrat­ors included widows, wives and mothers of men who died or were injured during the war. “The authoritie­s weren’t able to stop them, and then, once the men saw that the women were out on the streets, all of the workers started coming and joining the women.”

The UN began commemorat­ing the day in 1975, which was Internatio­nal Women’s Year, and its General Assembly officially recognized the day two years later.

• It depends on the time and place.

Women in Eastern Europe have long received flowers on March 8 — and sometimes even gotten the day off from work. But chocolates and candy can come across as a belittling gestures, showing a lack of understand­ing of the struggles driving women to protest, particular­ly in regions where protests have been combative.

In Turkey, women last year braved an official ban on an Internatio­nal Women’s Day march in Istanbul, and protested for about two hours before police used tear gas to disperse the crowd and detain dozens of people. And in Mexico City dozens of people were injured during a March 8 demonstrat­ion in 2021, after protesters battled police in the main square with rocks, bottles, metal poles, spray paint and streams of flame from lit aerosol cans.

Online retailers, meanwhile, have long used Internatio­nal Women’s Day to sell sweatshirt­s, greeting cards, sticker packs, cloth totes, jeopardy games, cupcake toppers and myriad other March-8-themed, purple-heavy items for the event.

The internet also offers plenty of guides for businesses to tap into the occasion, from cupcakes and appreciati­on emails for employees to product bundles and social media offers for existing or future customers. Companies, however, have had varying degrees of success with these efforts.

McDonald’s in 2018 flipped its golden arches to a “W” on its social media accounts and even the sign at a store in California, a marketing ploy that was criticized online as an empty gesture and led to calls on the company to improve the working conditions of workers instead.

• Ghodsee said commemorat­ing Internatio­nal Women’s Day is now more important than ever, as women have lost gains made in the last century, chiefly among them the 2022 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a nationwide right to abortion, which ended constituti­onal protection­s that had been in place nearly 50 years.

“I think women around the world before [Donald] Trump became president, — when Hillary Clinton was running for president, Sheryl Sandberg was writing Lean In and it was all girlboss feminism – we didn’t know how quickly all of that could be taken away,” she said.

 ?? BIKAS DAS, AP ?? Supporters and activists of Trinamool Congress party dance on the street during a rally on the eve of Internatio­nal Women’s Day in Kolkata, India, on Thursday.
BIKAS DAS, AP Supporters and activists of Trinamool Congress party dance on the street during a rally on the eve of Internatio­nal Women’s Day in Kolkata, India, on Thursday.

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