Times Colonist

EU offers more environmen­tal concession­s to farmers


BRUSSELS — The European Union’s executive arm on Friday proposed weakening even more climate and environmen­tal measures in the bloc’s latest set of concession­s to farmers apparently bent on continuing disruptive tractor protests until the June EU elections.

Angering environmen­talists across the 27 EU member states, the Commission proposed to further loosen rules imposed on agricultur­e which it said, not so long ago, were instrument­al to the bloc’s strategy to become climate neutral by 2050. That iconic challenge put the EU in the global vanguard of fighting climate change.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen insisted that the EU’s overall climate goals remained intact, even though she stressed she would “continue to stand steadfastl­y by our farmers, who maintain

EU food security and serve at the frontline of our climate and environmen­t action.”

Under the proposals, the conditions to move farming to become more climate friendly were weakened or cut in areas like crop rotation, soil cover protection and tillage methods.

Small farmers, representi­ng some two-thirds of the workforce and the most active within the continent-wide protest movement, will be exempt from some controls and penalties under the new rules.

Politicall­y, the bloc has moved rightward over the past year.

The plight of farmers has become a rallying cry for populists and conservati­ves who claim EU climate and farm policies are little more than bureaucrat­ic bungling from elitist politician­s who have lost any feeling for soil and land.

The Christian Democratic European People’s Party of von der Leyen has been among the most vocal and powerful in defending the farmers’ cause.

“I would actually call it populism,” said Green MEP Thomas Waitz, saying the Commission proposals would cut deep into the agricultur­al commitment that is part of the EU’s vaunted Green Deal to reach climate neutrality. “Now they try to deflect the anger of the local farmers and instrument­alize it against the Green Deal.”

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