Times Colonist

Ban on female genital cutting in Gambia faces repeal by lawmakers


An attempt to repeal a 2015 ban on female genital cutting in Gambia was sent for further committee discussion­s by lawmakers on Monday.

Gambian activists fear the passage of the bill would overturn years of work to better protect girls and women. The legislatio­n was referred to a national committee for further debate and could return to a vote in the weeks and months ahead.

Activists in the largely Muslim country had warned that lifting the ban would hurt years of work against a procedure often performed on girls under age five in the mistaken belief that it would control their sexuality.

The procedure, which also has been called female genital mutilation, includes the partial or full removal of external genitalia, often by traditiona­l community practition­ers with tools such as razor blades or at times by health workers. It can cause serious bleeding, death and childbirth complicati­ons but remains a widespread practice in parts of Africa.

Jaha Dukureh, the founder of Safe Hands for Girls, a local group that aims to end the practice, told the Associated Press she worried that other laws safeguardi­ng women’s rights could be repealed next. Dukureh underwent the procedure and watched her sister bleed to death.

“If they succeed with this repeal, we know that they might come after the child marriage law and even the domestic violence law. This is not about religion but the cycle of controllin­g women and their bodies,” she said. The United Nations has estimated that more than half of women and girls ages 15 to 49 in Gambia have undergone the procedure.

The bill is backed by religious conservati­ves in the nation of less than three million people.

On Monday, a crowd of men and women gathered outside Gambia’s parliament, some carrying signs protesting the bill.

Police in riot gear held them back.

Gambia’s parliament of 58 lawmakers includes five women. If the bill eventually passes through parliament, President Adama Barrow is expected to sign it into law. He has not spoken publicly about the legislatio­n.

The U.S. has supported activists who are trying to stop the practice. UNICEF said earlier this month that 30 million women globally have undergone female genital cutting in the past eight years, most of them in Africa.

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