Times Colonist

False claims persist over vaccines against COVID-19


Anyone who spends even a moderate amount of time online has likely come across social media posts falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful to human health.

Among the most widely debunked claims is that vaccines developed with messenger RNA technology can cause cancer because they contain “monkey virus DNA.”

Such claims were even repeated during a U.S. congressio­nal hearing on vaccine injuries last year, but North American and European health authoritie­s have stressed that there is no proof of a causal link between COVID vaccines and cancer, or that mRNA vaccines can alter human DNA in any way.

A senior policy analyst with the Canadian Cancer Society also debunked such claims while noting the added harm of false beliefs is that they can derail the deployment of proven therapies.

“Misinforma­tion can increase vaccine hesitancy and can delay the provision of health care,” Apiramy Jeyapalan said in an emailed statement.

The fact that cancer patients and others may still be exposed to that kind of misinforma­tion online and elsewhere is very concerning and shouldn’t be ignored by the medical and scientific community, says a Canadian scientist whose areas of expertise include health literacy.

Cheryl Peters, a senior scientist at B.C. Cancer and the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, said going through cancer treatment is “a highly vulnerable time,” especially for patients who are feeling overwhelme­d and may be susceptibl­e to informatio­n from dubious sources.

“We have to be aware that these things are circulatin­g and be aware that our friends and family could be getting exposed to these conspiracy theories that might really actually materially harm them if they listen to them,” Peters said.

She noted that people who spread vaccine misinforma­tion online attribute all sorts of things — from heart attacks to sudden deaths — to COVID shots. So when it comes to false claims, for example, that the vaccines are also the reason younger age groups are seeing higher rates of certain types of cancer than previously, “your Spidey senses should go up.”

“There’s no sort of one exposure to something — whether it be a vaccine or other [things] — that’s going to be able to cause every single kind of negative health outcome. That’s just not how our biology works,” Peters said.

Dr. Aaron Schimmer, director of research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, said he believes the level of misinforma­tion surroundin­g COVID vaccines has decreased over time, but acknowledg­ed that false claims still creep up.

“I think a number of patients, especially around the time when the vaccines were introduced, if they were newly diagnosed with cancer around that time … would say, ‘Well, you know, my cancer was caused by the vaccine.’ Of course, again, biological­ly that’s not true. Those cancers have been there probably growing slowly [over] many years,” he said.

Schimmer, who mainly treats leukemia in his clinical practice, said none of his own patients have raised specific conspiracy theories about vaccines and cancer, “but I’ve definitely had patients who’ve had concerns about the vaccine, the safety and questions as to whether the vaccine was the trigger for their cancer.”

The irony, Schimmer said, is that mRNA vaccines were being tested as potential cancer treatment long before the COVID pandemic hit. The idea is that mRNA could train an individual’s immune system to target specific cancer cells.

“It was the investment­s that were being made at the time to understand how these may work as cancer treatments that actually allowed us to generate a COVID vaccine so quickly,” he said.

Peters, the B.C Cancer scientist, said mRNA vaccines have great value and there is promising work to be done with them in the future. But she wonders if the science behind that is being properly translated and communicat­ed to the masses.

“That’s a bit of an existentia­l question for science in general, I think,” she said.

Samara Perez, a clinical psychologi­st in the psychosoci­al oncology department of McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, says the vast majority of patients consider doctors and health-care profession­als to be the most trusted sources of informatio­n, and research over the years has backed that up.

Even though a cancer diagnosis can set off a range of psychologi­cal responses, such as depression and anxiety, Perez does not believe a particular vulnerabil­ity to misinforma­tion is among them.

“I think people that are susceptibl­e to misinforma­tion prior to [getting] cancer would be the same after,” said Perez, who is also a professor at McGill University, noting that she debunks any cancer myths raised by her patients “right away.”

Both Schimmer and Peters said there’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to making personal medical choices. Peters said she also understand­s why some patients — especially those from historical­ly marginaliz­ed communitie­s — distrust the system.

But that’s where doctors, scientists and health-care authoritie­s have to step up and ensure that they are being upfront about the rare, but real, vaccine side-effects and other potential negative outcomes, she said, noting that transparen­cy goes a long way toward building trust.

A study co-authored by Peters and published earlier this year found that Canadians were better at identifyin­g known cancer risk factors, such as tobacco use, than recognizin­g cancer myths.

For example, more than half of survey respondent­s incorrectl­y believed that stress and consuming additives increases cancer risk. Between 20 and 30 per cent believed risk is increased by wearing deodorant, using hair dye, living near power lines and “having bad luck.” But the vast majority of respondent­s did not believe that vaccinatio­n, in general, is a risk factor.

Peters believes that myths and misinforma­tion now play a bigger role in health-care choices people make than in the past because “we all have basically unlimited access to informatio­n” — and some people are intentiona­lly peddling false claims online so they can profit from unproven “remedies.”

“And that, I think, is not a problem that’s going away,” Peters said. “Cancer patients and other people with chronic conditions really need support.”

 ?? MATT ROURKE, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? In a sea of misinforma­tion about COVID-19 vaccines, a debunked claim that inoculatio­n against the disease can cause cancer remains especially dangerous for vulnerable patients seeking answers about their diagnosis, experts say.
MATT ROURKE, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In a sea of misinforma­tion about COVID-19 vaccines, a debunked claim that inoculatio­n against the disease can cause cancer remains especially dangerous for vulnerable patients seeking answers about their diagnosis, experts say.

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