Times Colonist

Alberta town hires trapper for free skunk removals


Slavko Babincak was getting strange looks while tooling around town one day and couldn’t figure out why.

“Finally two guys asked, ‘Have you been sprayed by a skunk?’ And I’m like, ‘Maybe?’ ” Babincak recounted.

He headed home for a shower and change of clothes, chalking up another day trapping skunks in Cold Lake, Alta.

The eastern Alberta city — population 16,300 — has hired Babincak to trap the striped critters and relocate them where they can’t cause a stink for residents.

Cold Lake began offering it as a free service last year, and funding was renewed in its most recent budget.

Babincak has been in the pest control business for more than a decade, but began wrangling pests like pigeons and mice as far back as his childhood in Serbia.

Along the way, he’s learned the ways of the black-and-white stinkers — sometimes the hard way. “If you get sprayed straight in the face, at least for me, it’s just like you can vomit right there,” he says.

And there’s not much that can be done when it does happen.

“People say tomato juice and this and that. Trust me, I tried all this stuff,” Babincak says. “The best thing to use? Nothing really — just time.”

Skunks are mostly mildtemper­ed and don’t spray often, but “a few times is too many,” he says.

He calls skunks “nomads” often drawn to urban environmen­ts where food is plentiful.

Aside from the potential unpleasant­ness of being sprayed, there’s not much to catching a skunk, he says.

Cat food and sardines make good bait, but skunks aren’t too particular. “They’re not picky. They’re not complicate­d. They’re pretty simple animals,” says Babincak.

Sometimes an older, more experience­d skunk will become wise to humans’ efforts to trap them, in which case Babincak might have to make sure his scent isn’t on the trap by cleaning it and wearing gloves.

The best solution is common sense prevention, he says. Anyone leaving pet food or garbage in the yard is asking for trouble.

An expectant mama skunk might also hole up beneath a deck or under a lumber pile if there’s nothing to deter her, like a dog.

Babincak’s dealt with two skunk calls so far this year: one he caught pretty easily while the other moved along on its own.

Last year he had about 30 calls and successful­ly trapped roughly half.

Once skunks are trapped, he drives about half an hour outside Cold Lake and lets them out on Crown land.

Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland says skunk trapping has been an evolving process and one of many unique problems for an urban area that exists on the edge of the forest wilderness.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife officers used to deal with skunk calls. When that stopped, the city started lending out traps. But then residents would catch the critters — or catch something else — and wonder what to do with it.

So it was time to call profession­al help.

“It just was a better way to do it than people just signing out the skunk traps and then sometimes they’re catching the neighbour’s cat,” says Copeland.

“Everybody’s supportive. I haven’t run across anybody that’s upset.”

Copeland says Cold Lake puts $6,000 a year toward its skunk program and calls it money well spent. It pays $130 for every trap set up and $250 if a skunk is caught within five days.

Despite Cold Lake’s proximity to wilderness, Babincak says its skunk situation isn’t much different than in bigger cities.

 ?? CP ?? A skunk is shown at an animal rehab facility in Seaforth, N.S. The town of Cold Lake, Alta., has set aside funds in its budget for skunk removal and relocation.
CP A skunk is shown at an animal rehab facility in Seaforth, N.S. The town of Cold Lake, Alta., has set aside funds in its budget for skunk removal and relocation.

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