Times Colonist

Port Moody council rescinds call for Gaza ceasefire amid allegation­s of online harassment

- PATRICK PENNER Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Tri-Cities Dispatch

PORT MOODY — Following allegation­s that Free Palestine activists engaged in threatenin­g online behaviour, Port Moody council has rescinded a motion supporting the federal government’s call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The reversal occurred at an emergency meeting on Thursday, March 28, just two days after council had decided to approve a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly.

Mayor Meghan Lahti said council’s decision to weigh in on a non-jurisdicti­onal issue was a “mistake.”

“We can not sit back and let this happen on our watch. Not for another second,” Lahti said. “This motion has been co-opted by a group that has spread hate.”

The motion in question, which passed 6-1, was a alternativ­e version of what the Free Palestine Tri-Cities delegation had requested on March 26.

It supported the federal government’s official line, calling for an immediate ceasefire and permanent peace solution, unrestrict­ed access to humanitari­an aid, the release of all hostages, the return of all Canadian citizens in Gaza, and support for restrictio­ns on new arms exports to Israel.

But Lahti said that shortly after the meeting, council members and residents who had spoken against the motion were targeted by members of the delegation.

She said detractors were labelled Zionists, supporters of genocide, and a veiled threat was made against the child of one councillor.

Additional­ly, the motion has caused some city committees members to quit, and Jewish residents have informed council that they don’t feel safe around certain councillor­s, according to Lahti.

Tuesday’s delegation was a sombre affair. Well over a dozen supporters of the delegation provided personal accounts, and detailed specific atrocities and war crimes the Israeli government stands accused of by a raft of internatio­nal and non-government­al observers. One speaker said over 25 members of his family in Gaza have been killed.

Conversely, three residents spoke against the motion, stating it would only serve to divide the community, noting antisemiti­sm is on the rise, and council should not take stances on internatio­nal conflicts.

The delegates had asked council’s letter to acknowledg­e Israel is practising apartheid; support the B.C. Teachers’ Federation’s initiative to have the Nakba added to school curriculum­s; advocate for an end of Israel’s occupation of Palestinia­n territorie­s; and support South Africa’s genocide case against Israel in the Internatio­nal Court of Justice.

They reminded council of a similar letter sent on behalf of its Ukrainian residents regarding the Russian invasion of 2022.

However, council opted to vote on an alternativ­e motion introduced by Coun. Samantha Agtarap, which simply affirmed the position of the federal Department of Global Affairs.

Although some councillor­s said they were conflicted about taking any stance, they acquiesced to the motion on humanitari­an grounds after hearing the delegate’s speak.

While its approval was celebrated by the Free-Palestine Tri-Cities group on social media, some members allegedly lashed at those who had opposed sending a letter.

The sole vote against the motion came from Coun. Callan Morrison, who said he was concerned there would be fallout from weighing in on a sensitive issue outside the city’s jurisdicti­on. That was the federal government’s wheelhouse, he said.

Within hours, he said his social media accounts were flooded with hateful messages calling him Islamophob­ic.

Morrison said one Instagram comment by a Free Palestine BC member — which he took as a veiled threat — stated: “Imagine if the white baby in your hands was killed. Your opinion would change quickly because she’s white.”

“My wife was absolutely mortified, she didn’t feel safe,” Morrison said.

“How are we supposed to find common ground if you’re villainize­d if you happen to disagree?”

Coun. Kyla Knowles, who voted in favour of the motion but voiced some reservatio­ns, said she also received a “mountain of hate” online.

She alleged delegates who said they risked their jobs by speaking out, invoked the suffering of children, and preached peace and anti-racism, were now hypocritic­ally threatenin­g councillor­s’ careers and children with racist attacks.

“I cannot in good conscience agree to send a letter to our federal government on behalf of a group that does not practice what it preaches, and is actively stoking fear, hatred and division in our community,” Knowles said.

“I regret not listening to my gut on this one.”

Coun. Diana Dilworth said council had been “painted into a corner” by the delegation, but thought they had taken a balanced approach.

She said has no tolerance for any further division.

“I was naive. I actually thought when we were in council chambers, we were having an open conversati­on about humanity about peace,” Dilworth said.

“Those same speakers went on social media and threw hate.”

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