Times Colonist

Brazil’s Yanomami leader asks Pope to support reversing Amazon damage


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has met with a leader of Brazil’s Yanomami people, who asked for papal backing for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ’s efforts to reverse decades of exploitati­on of the Amazon and better protect its Indigenous peoples.

Davi Kopenawa, a Yanomami shaman, said he came to the Vatican at Francis’s invitation to brief him on the plight of the Yanomami and the Amazon, where deforestat­ion surged to a 15-year high during the previous administra­tion of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. The Yanomami Indigenous Territory, Brazil’s largest, was ravaged by thousands of illegal gold miners spurred on by Bolsonaro. They felled trees and poisoned waterways with mercury.

Kopenawa, who wore a traditiona­l feathered headdress and beads around his neck, told reporters after the Wednesday meeting that he gave Francis a letter laying out the concerns of the Yanomami. He said he asked for Francis to support Lula to try to fix the previous government’s “error” and that Francis said he would speak with him.

“I’m not going to say they will fix it, I’m not going to say they will solve it. To ruin things it is easy, to fix things it is difficult. But they are trying,” Kopenawa said in Portuguese.

“I am a man of our forest who looks after our planet Earth, I am waiting for the internatio­nal community to fight, I am waiting for the internatio­nal community that has money, to do it, to stop the destructio­n of our planet Earth which is happening now.”

The Amazon rainforest, covering an area twice the size of India, is a crucial buffer against climate change. Studies have shown that Indigenous-controlled forests are the best-preserved in the Brazilian Amazon.

But Bolsonaro made good on his pledge to not demarcate a single additional inch of Indigenous territory during his tenure, and defanged environmen­tal enforcemen­t agencies. Deforestat­ion surged to a 15-year high on his watch.

Lula took office and swiftly declared a public health emergency in Yanomami lands due to the effects of illegal mining and began working to expel the miners. He also empowered environmen­tal agencies to crack down on illegal logging. In January, government satellite data showed that deforestat­ion had fallen by half in the first year of Lula’s term.

Government officials have said that areas with illegal mining inside Yanomami territory have dropped 85% and health has improved. But after the initial success, prosecutor­s, law enforcemen­t and employees of federal environmen­tal agencies say illegal miners are returning.

“One person alone cannot solve everything. That is why I asked for support,” Kopenawa said. “I asked the pope to support him, to reinforce the work. To defend the people.”

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