Times Colonist

Iran launches aerial attacks on Israel

Unpreceden­ted move raises fears of wider war, U.S. helps shoot down barrage of Iranian drones and missiles


JERUSALEM — Booms and air raid sirens sounded across Israel early today after Iran launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in an unpreceden­ted revenge mission that pushed the Middle East closer to a regionwide war. In Washington, President Joe Biden said U.S. forces helped Israel down “nearly all” the drones and missiles and pledged to develop a unified response with allies.

The Iranian attack, less than two weeks after a suspected Israeli strike in Syria that killed two Iranian generals in an Iranian consular building, marked the first time it has launched a direct military assault on Israel, despite decades of enmity dating to the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. The Israeli military’s spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said Iran fired scores of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles — with the vast majority intercepte­d outside Israel’s borders. He said warplanes intercepte­d over 10 cruise missiles alone, also outside Israeli airspace.

Hagari said a handful of missiles landed in Israel. Rescuers said a seven-year-old girl in a Bedouin Arab town was seriously wounded in southern Israel, apparently in a missile strike, though they said police were still investigat­ing the circumstan­ces of her injuries. Hagari said a missile struck an army base, causing light damage but no injuries.

“A wide-scale attack by Iran is a major escalation,” he said. Asked whether Israel would respond, Hagari said only that the army “does and will do whatever is required to protect the security of the state of Israel.” He said the incident was not over, and dozens of Israeli warplanes remained in the skies.

Israel’s military said its Arrow system, which shoots down ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere, handled most intercepti­ons.

“At my direction, to support the defence of Israel, the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defence destroyers to the region over the course of the past week,” Biden said in a statement. “Thanks to these deployment­s and the extraordin­ary skill of our service members, we helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles.”

Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke early today, Israeli time, their government­s said, and Biden said in his statement that he reaffirmed “America’s ironclad commitment” to Israel’s security — a departure from his harsh criticism over Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza.

Iran had vowed revenge since the April 1 airstrike in Syria, which Tehran accused Israel of being responsibl­e for. Israel hasn’t commented on it.

Israel and Iran have been on a collision course throughout Israel’s six-month war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. The war erupted after Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two militant groups backed by Iran, carried out a devastatin­g cross-border attack on Oct. 7 that killed 1,200 people in Israel and kidnapped 250 others. An Israeli offensive in Gaza has caused widespread devastatio­n and killed over 33,000 people, according to local health officials.

Almost immediatel­y after the war erupted, Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militant group in Lebanon, began attacking Israel’s northern border. The two sides have been involved in daily exchanges of fire, while Iranianbac­ked groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have launched rockets and missiles toward Israel.

In a statement carried late Saturday by Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency, the country’s paramilita­ry Revolution­ary Guard acknowledg­ed launching “dozens of drones and missiles towards the occupied territorie­s and positions of the Zionist regime.”

In a later statement, the Revolution­ary Guard issued a direct warning to the U.S.: “The terrorist U.S. government is warned any support or participat­ion in harming Iran’s interests will be followed by decisive and regretting response by Iran’s armed forces.”

Israel has a multilayer­ed airdefence network that includes systems capable of intercepti­ng a variety of threats including longrange missiles, cruise missiles, drones and short-range rockets. However, in a massive attack involving multiple drones and missiles, the likelihood of a strike making it through is higher.

Iran has a vast arsenal of drones and missiles. Online videos shared by Iranian state television purported to show deltawing-style drones resembling the Iranian Shahed-136s long used by Russia in its war on Ukraine. The slow-flying drones carry bombs. Ukraine has successful­ly used both surface-to-air missiles and ground fire to target them.

Some Israelis watched the intercepti­ons light up the night sky.

Air raid sirens were reported in numerous places including northern Israel, southern Israel, the northern West Bank and the Dead Sea near the Jordanian border.

Israel’s army ordered residents in the Golan Heights — near the Syrian and Lebanese borders — as well as the southern towns of Nevatim and Dimona and the Red Sea resort of Eilat into protective spaces. Dimona is home to Israel’s main nuclear facility, and Nevatim has a major air base.

The army’s Home Front Command cancelled school today and limited public gatherings to no more than 1,000 people. Israel and some other countries in the region closed their airspace.

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