Times Colonist

Poilievre labelled a fraud for wooing working-class voters


Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre is a “fraud” for portraying himself as a friend of the working class, the head of the country’s largest labour organizati­on said Thursday, urging unions to do everything they can to expose him before the next federal election.

Canadian Labour Congress president Bea Bruske delivered her call to arms as union leaders gathered in Ottawa to plot strategy ahead of the vote, which must happen before October next year.

“We must do everything in our power to expose Mr. Pierre Poilievre for the fraud that he is,” Bruske said. “We must be under no illusions.”

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the gathering, taking aim at the Conservati­ves as Canada’s three main political parties battle for bluecollar votes.

The war of words came days after the Liberals tabled a federal budget that increased taxes on the wealthy and includes funding for NDP priorities like pharmacare and dental care.

Poilievre was not invited to speak at the gathering.

While polls suggest Poilievre’s affordabil­ity message is resonating with both private and publicsect­or workers, Bruske said his history of supporting back-towork legislatio­n and advocating for employees to be allowed to opt out of unions and makes him hostile to labour.

“Whatever he claims today, Mr. Poilievre has a consistent 20-year record as an anti-worker politician,” she said.

“I ask you, have you ever, ever, anywhere in Canada seen him walk a picket line?”

For his part, Poilievre has spent the past two years crisscross­ing the country, pitching himself as the leader who understand­s the pain and anxieties working-class Canadians feel in the current affordabil­ity crisis.

“Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh have abandoned working Canadians,” Conservati­ve spokesman Sebastian Skamski said Thursday.

Canadian workers have never been worse off, he said, blaming the political pact forged between the Liberals and NDP to prevent an early election.

Singh “has sold out working Canadians to secure his own pension and a spot in Justin Trudeau’s government,” he said.

“Pierre Poilievre is the one listening and speaking to workers on shop floors and in union halls from coast to coast to coast.”

Poilievre likes to note he has spoken to more local unions than he has to corporate business crowds. Under his leadership, the Conservati­ves also voted to support a bill seeking to ban federally regulated workplaces from using replacemen­t workers during strikes or lockouts, a significan­t shift for the Tories.

Since becoming leader, Poilievre has also resisted calling on Trudeau for back-to-work legislatio­n in response to labour disputes, including the strike that saw thousands of public servants hit the picket lines last spring.

He has taken his vow to “axe” the federal carbon price on fuel to NDP-held ridings across British Columbia, including on Vancouver Island, and to northern Ontario, where the Liberals also hold seats.

Trudeau and Singh, meanwhile, each tried to discourage members of the labour movement from looking Poilievre’s way.

“The Conservati­ve leader likes to pretend he’s there for workers,” Trudeau said.

The Liberal government, by contrast, actually has been, he argued, citing new labour protection measures, sustainabl­e jobs legislatio­n and restoring to 65 the age of eligibilit­y for guaranteed income supplement­s.

Poilievre would either cut or roll back those measures, Trudeau said.

“He continues to show with his voting record, with his approach on things — regardless of the populist reach-out that he’s giving to workers — that he hasn’t changed in the 19 years he’s been in Parliament in his continued stance against workers.”

When asked why Poilievre’s message seems to be resonating among workers, Bruske said union leaders are aware of the anxieties workers face.

“We well understand the frustratio­n and the fear about the future of their jobs and the fear of being able to make end’s meet,” she said.

But “politician­s who offer simplistic answers without actually providing a real strategy on how they’re going to achieve what workers need are not politician­s that we can count on.”

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD, THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre “has a consistent 20-year record as an anti-worker politician,” according to the head of Canada’s largest labour organizati­on.
ADRIAN WYLD, THE CANADIAN PRESS Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre “has a consistent 20-year record as an anti-worker politician,” according to the head of Canada’s largest labour organizati­on.

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