Times Colonist


Building a Better Community One Neighbour at a Time


Establishe­d in 1977, Oak Bay Volunteer Services (OBVS) stands out as a beacon of compassion and support, uniquely tailored to the needs of Oak Bay. As our community’s needs evolve, we invite you to be part of our legacy of community care. Together, we can ensure that our essential services and programs, designed with Oak Bay in mind, remain accessible to all, making a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Loneliness and isolation are not just personal struggles, they are community challenges. At OBVS, we understand the profound effects of these issues, particular­ly on older adults and those just starting out. That’s why we offer essential services and companions­hip to anyone living within Oak Bay. Through our friendly visits, phone calls, and neighbourh­ood walks, we aim to bring joy, warmth, and a sense of belonging to those who may feel forgotten, thereby strengthen­ing our community as a whole.

OBVS plays a pivotal role in building a stronger, more compassion­ate, and connected community in Oak Bay. By donating, you help support direct volunteer services, activities, and programs that foster connection­s, combat loneliness, and create a strong sense of togetherne­ss. Your generosity will enable us to unite neighbors, encourage volunteeri­sm, and strengthen the inherent caring spirit within our community.

We invite you to join us as a Helping Hearts Monthly Donor, consider us in your legacy planning, volunteer your time, or simply spread the word about what we do.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of individual­s in Oak Bay and create a brighter future for our community.

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