Times Colonist

Common sense supports school liaison officers


Re: “School police form letters aimed at city hall,” column, May 3.

Les Leyne reports that “Greater Victoria teachers are being asked to send a form letter to Victoria city council members objecting to their support for school police liaison programs.”

That’s like asking the babysitter in a scary neighbourh­ood to leave the front door unlocked. The babysitter­s know better.

Who is pushing this latest iteration of toxic rubbish? We don’t seem to know. Brings to mind the “anonymous” reports that set out to condemn this venerable program in the first place.

Yes, the drive to promote inclusivit­y in our schools apparently includes including gangs bent on including our children. But it gets better.

The mysterious source ventures that city council’s support for the program “demonstrat­es a lack of trust and respect for teachers, educators (especially those who have faced discrimina­tion from police due to race).”

Stop right there. Where is your evidence of such discrimina­tion? Did you just make that up?

Because it doesn’t in any way jive with my observatio­ns over many years of the dedicated and caring men and women in this program.

If city council for any Greater Victoria municipali­ty, in the name of common sense, decency and cogent thought, cares to advocate for the school police liaison officers and throw up a bulwark against the latest flock of sheep possessing cellphones and opposable thumbs, they speak for this educator. Go ahead and send your ill-guided little missive. My response will be short and unequivoca­l.

David Masini


Greater Victoria School District Victoria

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