Toronto Life

What you loved and loathed last month


Our ranking of the city’s top 20 new burgers brought out googly-eyed, lip-licking, bucket-listing burger evangelist­s everywhere. A small sampling of the love, via Instagram:

“I want this in my life NOW!!!” —fashionpol­icetoronto

“Um, I just saw this, yum!” —joriellenu­nag

“This looks so good.” —carlycrump­et

“BURRRGERRR­RRrrrrr.” —valeriemis

“Should we go try all the best burgers? I think we should….”


“Let’s do it! But we must skip all burgers without pickles on them. Just saying.” —maplebacon­pancakes Plus a few winky-eyed comedians…

“We’ll of course have to verify these specious claims….”


And then there were the vegans, who objected to the meatiness of it all, and the carnivores, who objected to the objections of the vegans. “Waiting for vegan healthy cruelty, no added chemicals.” —the_innergy “Keep waiting.” —brandon_bombay

“Include vegan burgers too pls (you know the ones that are better for us and the environmen­t)!”


“Would you go to a hockey game and complain when they don’t start playing basketball? You’re commenting on a post about burgers. Let it be about burgers.”


“There are great vegan burgers with zero pain and suffering involved! At least 10 kinds. Please check and think about it.”


“These sandwiches you speak of are not burgers.” —ryguylucy

“Agreed. Go hijack another post. Why are vegans always trying to replicate meat dishes? Create dishes that stand on their own merits.”


Finally, there was some griping about burgers that didn’t appear on the list (How could you not include Richmond Station? Where is Museum Tavern’s burger?) until we released our top five all-time best burgers.

“Woo hoo for The Station Burger!! The best ever!!”

—Karen Mezciems, Facebook

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