Toronto Star

It’s one drunk milkshake Suck It Back


Beer and cake just don’t do it for me. But every once in a while I’ll come across an article or another beer- swiller who will try to convince me to enjoy the wonders of beer and chocolate together.

There are a multitude of dessert beers out there that you could eat chocolate cake with ( or anything up to a Mars bar, I suppose, if you’re so inclined). And there is a group of people into this, and they are serious and I’m not here to tell you they are wrong at all. But you know what? This is something that red wine will always win over beer for me. And so will bananas. Or ice cream. Or just chocolate by itself. Because I’d actually rather just have the beer and forget all about the cake.

Yet, when it comes to chocolate beers, I’ve got no problem diving in. I’m more than game when it comes to one particular beer: Rogue Chocolate Stout. It’s hard to find, as it went flying off LCBO shelves this fall. But better beer halls in town should have a few left in stock. And it’s a bit pricey at $ 4.95 for 750 millilitre­s ( more in any bar you’re lucky enough to find it in). But my-oh-my, it’s worth it. The pour alone is worth the five bucks — the tall, deep-brown frothy head is the first thing you’ll notice. Finish emptying the bottle into the glass and you’ll have what looks like a Pop Tate milkshake. You’ll want to put a straw in it. But don’t. Sip instead, and you’ll see it’s still very much a beer — there are enough hops in it that you’d never call it anything else. And some people I’ve served this to don’t even notice the chocolate right away. Take your time. I find that with chocolate beers, the first sip is never the best indicator. It’s about the fifth or six, when the flavours fully surround your mouth, that the beer takes off.

If you’ve ever thought that the idea of chocolate and beer won’t work, this is a good spot to start convincing yourself otherwise.

Rogue, incidental­ly, is an Oregon brewery generally considered to be one of the best in North America. See more of its brews online at www.rogue. com. And if you see any for sale that you haven’t tried? Well, I’m not going to tell you what to do. But I buy or try immediatel­y. RATEBEER. COM:

Average of 543 ratings is 3.94 out of 5. SUCK IT BACK SUGGESTION: This is one of my favourite beers, so I don’t blame anyone for hoarding or sharing. I serve it to only my favourite friends, who I think will appreciate it. Why so stingy? Well, just like when someone tells me he or she didn’t like Unforgiven . . . well, I’d be ticked the same way if he or she didn’t like this beer. For some reason, it’s personal. Anyway, I find it’s a great way to start a night out on the town. If this beer can’t get everyone in a good mood, you’re in for a long night. Email:

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