Toronto Star

Jean gets to exercise her duties



OTTAWA— Governor General Michaëlle Jean will dissolve the 38th Parliament and present nine high school history teachers with awards of excellence — all before lunch today. Prime Minister Paul Martin will arrive at Rideau Hall around 9:30 a.m. carrying an “ instrument of advice,” a document that recommends Jean dissolve Parliament. She will sign that document, effectivel­y approving the dissolutio­n, and then issue a proclamati­on in the name of the Queen terminatin­g the 38th Parliament.But she must sign two more documents before the election officially begins. First, she’ll sign a proclamati­on authorizin­g election writs to be issued. Writs will be issued for each riding, authorizin­g the election of each member of Parliament. There is no such thing as dropping a writ.

Then, she’ll issue a final proclamati­on summoning the new Parliament back to Ottawa after the election. With any luck, Jean will be able to fit in a quick call to the Queen — filling her in on what she just authorized — before she has to hand out awards to history teachers at 10 a. m. The election campaign doesn’t mean the government won’t continue to function.

In theory, public servants carry out programs as they normally do, without the interferen­ce of politician­s, and cabinet ministers retain all the responsibi­lities and authoritie­s they have otherwise and are accountabl­e for everything up until the next ministers are sworn in.

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