Toronto Star

Terrorists run, as Bush, Congress crawl, say 9/11 critics


WASHINGTON— George W. Bush’s administra­tion and the U. S. Congress are “ moving at a crawl” against nimble terrorists, leaving the country vulnerable more than four years after the 2001 attacks, the former Sept. 11 Commission said in a scathing final report yesterday. The six Republican­s and six Democrats, who wrote the seminal 2004 analysis of what went wrong before and after the hijacked plane attacks killed about 3,000 in America, criticized anti- terrorism efforts ranging from emergency communicat­ions and disaster response to lack of controls on weapons of mass destructio­n.

“ We believe that the terrorists will strike again. So does every responsibl­e expert that we have talked to,” Thomas Kean, who chaired the commission, told a news conference.

“ Four years after 9/ 11, we are not as safe as we could be and that is unacceptab­le,” said Kean, a Republican and former governor of New Jersey. “ While the terrorists are learning and adapting, our government is still moving at a crawl.”

Their “report card” reviews how 41 commission recommenda­tions were implemente­d. They give the government five failing grades of F, including one for inadequate emergency communicat­ions, noting police, firefighte­rs, emergency staff still don’t have a dedicated radio spectrum. Other marks were 12 Ds, 9 Cs, two “ incomplete­s,” and just one top mark, A- minus for counter- terrorist financing.

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