Toronto Star

Stories of our own


At the launch, women were exchanging stories over the loud music about bad dates and relationsh­ip stoppers. Encouraged to share mine with Courtney Bryan, who works for Silver Lining, I told her of my ex. We’d been dating for more than a year when he suddenly broke it off after a phone call from his ex. They hadn’t seen each other in four years but she was getting married in a week and called to say she still had feelings for him. He said he did, too. Then he flew down to see her before the wedding. She called it off. A week later, they realized they’d grown to be very different people and weren’t going ahead as a couple.

After I was left wondering where he was for two weeks, he resurfaced to call me at 3 a.m. to tell me where he’d been, what had happened and suggested we give our relationsh­ip another try.

I told him never to call me again.

To lighten the mood, Bryan told me her sunflower story.

She had dated a guy for a few years and after they broke up, he was slated to appear on Blind Date, a dating game show, which was shooting in Toronto.

Eventually, she saw the episode where he greeted his date with a single sunflower. “I was a little embarrasse­d about both things,” she says of the sunflower and him appearing on a national dating game.

Bryan is more of a bouquet girl, preferring lilies or orchids to a single flower. She sees a bunch of flowers as a more thoughtful gesture.

“Maybe he thought he was being thoughtful. But the girl didn’t seem very impressed either.”

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