Toronto Star

Contempt for the rules


Code of conduct violations are a family affair at Toronto City Hall, with Mayor Rob Ford and his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, censured on the same day this week in separate reports from the integrity commission­er. They also share a disrespect for official criticism and a disinclina­tion to follow the rules. That’s not what Toronto needs from its mayor or a city councillor.

Integrity commission­er Janet Leiper had earlier found that Mayor Ford improperly used municipal resources, and his status as a city councillor, to solicit donations from lobbyists in support of his football foundation. More than $3,000 changed hands in a clear violation of ethics rules. Ford was ordered to return the money. But Leiper reported this week the mayor has shown no evidence of complying, despite six requests from her office. Instead of giving back what he shouldn’t have taken in the first place, Ford offered letters from some lobbyists saying they didn’t want their money returned. Despite all evidence, Ford can’t seem to admit he did anything wrong and correct it.

Likewise Doug Ford. He angrily confronted a persistent critic, Adam Chaleff-freudentha­ler, in July and warned him “what goes around comes around.” A complaint alleging intimidati­on was launched and Leiper tried to defuse it by having Ford write a letter of apology. In that letter, however, Doug Ford blamed his victim for misunderst­anding — stating only a willingnes­s to “apologize if you took anything I said the wrong way.”

The integrity commission­er rightly ruled this wasn’t a true apology and is asking city council to tell Ford to issue a proper one. Doug Ford, in turn, responded to Leiper’s most recent finding with an expletivel­aced refusal.

Such intransige­nce is hardly surprising given the record of this truculent duo. It’s always my-way-or-the-highway, and to-hell-withthe-rules. The Fords are sending an unfortunat­e message that Leiper is not worth listening to and ethical codes aren’t worth following.

What remains uncertain is the continued willingnes­s of a majority on city council to tolerate the Fords’ bullying and flaunting of due process. One can only hope it won’t be for much longer.

The Fords are sending an unfortunat­e message that ethical codes aren’t worth following

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