Toronto Star

A healthy doctor could save your life


Q: I went to see a new doctor to get my thyroid checked because I have been gaining so much weight. He was really fat and I smelled cigarettes. I felt like I couldn’t trust him. Am I being too picky? Vickie L. A: Now, we You Docs know from experience that doctors are human. But overweight doctors are far less likely to provide good weight-management advice to overweight patients. And that’s a matter of life and death. A doctor who smokes may be willing to overlook a patient’s bad habits. Another threat to your health.

So, how can you find a quality doctor?

Look up the doctor on Facebook and Google-check for healthy activities.

Do a front-office interview. You’ll learn a lot from how the support staff treats you. Ask if the doctor sees patients your age and with your health concerns.

Check out the doctor’s credential­s: Go online to see if the doc is included in medical databases, such as the Canadian Medical Associatio­n’s.

Don’t hire a doc on the first date. If the doc doesn’t ask about alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, food or stress, consider that a mark against him or her. Q: I had a checkup, and my doctor said I have to start exercising or I’m in for trouble. I’m too embarrasse­d by how I look to go to the gym. Should I buy a treadmill? Frank W. A: You could get a treadmill, but it’ll probably be an expensive clothes hanger inside a month. We You Docs advise investing about 1/20th the money in a good pair of walking shoes. Walking reduces anxiety and stress, decreases the risk of major cancers, memory loss and Type 2 diabetes, improves heart and lung function, increases flexibilit­y and it’s fun! You’ll lose weight and feel better almost immediatel­y. So get started.

Go to a shoe store in the afternoon (your feet are larger then), and try on running shoes. Then buy them.

Step it up. Make a walking plan you can carry out. Week one — walk down the block and back. Do it daily. Extend your distance a little each time you go out. Get a pedometer to keep track of your steps. Shoot for building up to 3,000 steps a day, over two walks. Over six weeks, increase to 10,000 steps a day.

Need more help to get going? Get a buddy for daily walks or to tell “I did it today!” The pal can give you a get-going poke. Youdocs Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen are authors of YOU: Losing Weight. Order it at Submit questions and find more info at

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