Toronto Star



Hi Jonathan, If the Dark of the Moon is a good time to plant things that grow in the dark, would it not be an auspicious time for conceiving a child, too? I hear that the waxing moon is better but, as children grow in the dark, I was just wondering. — Rab Dear Rab, Did I say any of that? Astrologer­s broadly agree but we have our difference­s too. I sometimes grow bean sprouts. I never notice if the seeds I start at New Moon fare better. As for conception ... don’t get me started. Oh, okay then. I’ll say more tomorrow.

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ARIES (March 21 — April 20)

Boats are designed to sail. Planes are intended to fly. When these great vehicles are out of their elements, they look awkward and cumbersome. But every so often, they must be repaired and maintained. People born under Aries are intended to make things happen. You are made to be decisive, to thrive in crisis and to live on your wits. If, right now, your world is not as tense with trouble as usual, you may feel uncomforta­ble. But that doesn’t really mean anything is wrong. Don’t create a new problem to solve. For more, call 900-528-8880.

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

When our heart is set on obtaining an objective, we will ignore every counter-argument. If we hear a justificat­ion, no matter how flimsy it may be, we will seize on it eagerly. Even those of us who take pride in an ability to read life’s most subtle signposts, find it easier to see the symbols that suit our preferred point of view. How, then, can you possibly stand back and look at your current situ- ation with an open mind. You can’t. But it doesn’t matter. Venus is now in your sign, if you can’t be impartial, just be passionate. For more, call 900-528-8880.

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22)

There are two sides to every story. But then, I hardly need to remind you of that. You are a Gemini. Yours is a famously bi-corporeal sign (other double-bodied images in the zodiac include, the two Pisces fish, the human/centaur hybrid of Sagittariu­s and the goat with the mermaids tail that properly symbolizes Capricorn). Those Gemini twins represent your unerring ability to question everything and everyone. You want answers so badly. Now, you need to hear the replies you are already getting before asking more questions. For more, call 900-528-8880.

CANCER (June 23 — July 23)

Some people love to argue. You know this. Under some circumstan­ces, you can be one of those people! What do you mean, “no you are not”? You see! You are arguing already. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with a good argument. It can release tension and facilitate full, free expression. Your current disagreeme­nt, though, is not entirely comfortabl­e. Too much is riding on the need for a victory. You have got a war to win, you can’t go jeopardizi­ng that for the sake of proving a petty point. For more, call 900-528-8880.

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

Some people travel to the ends of the Earth in search of education and enlightenm­ent. Travel may broaden the mind, but it does not necessaril­y deepen it. If your mind is full of prejudice and fixed belief, it will remain just as closed whether you find yourself in Mumbai or in Melbourne. Whereas, you can be right in the middle of nowhere interestin­g and, if you have a genuine willingnes­s to find things out, you can be deluged with inspiring revelation­s. The only thing you now need to change is an entrenched attitude and a fear. For more, call 900-528-8880.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23)

How are your powers of prescience? Do you feel able to see into the future? And what vision greets you when you look in this direction? Do you feel inspired or aghast? The question is important — for it has a great bearing on how you handle a challenge. Expectatio­n now counts for far more than you might ever believe or imagine. Raise yours as high as you dare if you want the future to be all that it can be. And prepare to leave the past behind. You have every reason to walk away from it with your head held high. For more, call 900-528-8880.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

Your life is not your own. It does not belong to you. It is only rented. When you have finished with it, you have to give it back. You must pay interest on the loan and the “charge” is that when you return it, you must be able to give a good account of how it has been used. Otherwise, they send you back and make you take out another one. Or so some people believe. I cannot tell you whether this is true. Nor can they. But I can tell you one thing today: Your life is your own. You must make your choices accordingl­y. For more, call 900-528-8880.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

What kind of a planet is this? What are we all doing here? Whose idea was it in the first place? If time goes on forever, why do we all have so little of it? If space is infinite, why do we keep staring at the same old walls? Having started today’s forecast with a few tricky questions, we can then attempt some easier ones. Like, what are you supposed to do, about you-know-what? Stumped for an answer? Never mind. Life is full of things that we cannot understand. Yet, this really need not be a problem. Just try to relax. For more, call 900-528-8880.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21)

Astra inclinant, non necessitan­t. Roughly translated from Latin, this means the stars may give us the occasional encouragin­g nudge but they don’t frog-march us towards our destiny with our arms behind our backs. We have free will. But it can seem as if there are some times when that will is a little freer than it is at others. It is hard to know quite how much choice you now have. It is beginning to seem as if something is determined to happen. Perhaps you want it to happen. If you don’t, just be determined not to let it happen. For more, call 900-528-8880.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

You can’t do exactly what you want to do, but at least you are not obliged to do what you do not want to do. You are being offered the opportunit­y to compromise. You are not finding this an especially appealing propositio­n. Yet, for the time being, it seems you must share power. You are in the process of learning something very valuable. With the help of a certain other person, you may soon make much swifter progress than you could ever hope to attain on your own. What better reason could there be for doing a deal? For more, call 900-528-8880.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

“Three cheers for chaos. Let’s hear it for upheaval. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and give a warm round of applause to absolute insanity.” It is a shame that we do not welcome the advent of real trouble in such a way. If we could, we might thoroughly unnerve the forces of instabilit­y and throw them off their stride. Then they might skulk away in search of some easier target. Something crazy is arising. Greet it with an attitude of gratitude and it may yet start to make perfect sense. For more, call 900-528-8880.

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

Neptune and Venus are now aligned harmonious­ly. You are back in a situation that you have been in many times before. You recognize this and you can’t help but feel slightly trapped. But although there’s a lot of repetition going on. You are playing a part that you have played before. This may or may not be putting you in your comfort zone, but it is certainly leading you into very familiar territory. You will soon discover that you can manage to do things very differentl­y. It is time to outgrow the old and embrace the new. For more, call 900-528-8880.

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