Toronto Star


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ARIES (March 21 — April 20)

Magazines are full of makeovers. “We took this person, changed their make up, hair and clothes. Behold the difference!” But when do we see glossy features about folk who have had some inner transforma­tion? The blemishes on our character are not so easy to disguise. We can, usually, hide impatience, anger or fear from strangers but our loved ones see it all and react, often making matters worse! If something now needs to change in a matter of the heart, try to fake it till you make it! That may just work!

For more, call 900-528-8880.

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

There’s hidden depth to a relationsh­ip that you hardly even think about. There is more to another person than meets the eye. Indeed, you are both exceptiona­l individual­s who rarely show the world the extent of your capabiliti­es. You rarely even show them to yourselves, or to each other. We’re not necessaril­y talking here about a romantic involvemen­t. But somewhere in your world now, there’s the potential for some splendid teamwork. That could yet lead to a set of deeply heartwarmi­ng experience­s.

For more, call 900-528-8880.

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22)

Are two people ever truly made for each other? That’s a big question. Ultimately, we are all made for ourselves. There are times when we feel as if everything is perfect when a certain someone is by our side and times too; when we suspect that that very same someone has only been sent to this earth to try our patience! The happier you are with who you are, the easier it will always be for you to feel happy with another person and for them to feel happier with you. Coming events will sweetly facilitate all this!

For more, call 900-528-8880.

CANCER (June 23 — July 23)

Most misunderst­andings arise when people are trying so hard not to cause each other any offence that they accidental­ly give the wrong impression. Sometimes it is much better to have an argument than to mask a disagreeme­nt behind a facade of polite behaviour. In your life now, an assumption needs to be questioned and corrected. But how can you challenge an assumption if the assumption is that there is no assumption! Be brave. The thing your heart needs now, more than anything else, is the truth.

For more, call 900-528-8880.

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

They say that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That’s why so many people like to sit on the fence! Then they can see green grass in both directions. Actually, “the fence” can be a comfortabl­e place as long as you make yourself a little seat so that the sharp dividing line doesn’t protrude so pointedly into your nether regions. You do need to make up your mind now. But you are entirely entitled to decide that you do not want to reach a decision! Just be aware that someone else may be doing the same. For more, call 900-528-8880.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23)

Mercury’s recent retrograde phase has caused you to feel as if you are going over old ground. You seem to have been playing out dramas that have more to do with the past than the future. But the way we feel about yesterday has an enormous bearing on the kind of tomorrow that we end up creating for ourselves. You now have an opportunit­y to revisit an old emotional experience and to start looking at it in a different light. You can’t forget, but you can forgive and, in doing so, you can really start to move on. For more, call 900-528-8880.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

Libra is, supposedly, an intellectu­al sign. An airy, analytical sector of the sky that produces, in those born under it, a thoughtful, contemplat­ive dispositio­n. All that is true enough, but it is not the full story. You are perfectly capable of making rash, impulsive moves, especially when your emotions come into play. At the moment, you cannot help but be led by an almost primeval, in- stinctive force. You don’t know why you feel so strongly about a certain matter or situation. Never mind why. Trust what you feel. For more, call 900-528-8880.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

“Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink...” The Rime of the Ancient Mariner describes sailors suffering after a shipwreck. The very thing they want is all around but not in a form that can be useful. We can often feel a little like this when we encounter trouble within a relationsh­ip. In theory, we’ve got the thing we want. In reality, it just isn’t the way we want it to be. It may seem to you as if you are now, “so near, yet so far,” from something that could be so ideal. Somehow, you need to purify an emotion that is tainted. For more, call 900-528-8880.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21)

Don’t be an ostrich. Take your head out of the sand and look at what’s really going on. If you do this, you will start to see constructi­ve solutions instead of just reasons to become ever more anxious. Don’t be a donkey. Stop following imaginary carrots and fleeing from non-existent sticks. Don’t be a butterfly either. Don’t flit from topic to topic whilst ignoring the issues that matter most of all. Be yourself, and be proud of yourself. As long as you are brave and honest about what you feel, you will make wise choices now. For more, call 900-528-8880.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

The forces of fortune favour you with several rare and wonderful gifts. These include the blessing of sentience, the ability to feel and perceive the wonder of your own existence on this magnificen­t planet. You have plenty to marvel at, appreciate and enjoy. The very fact that you are here is a miracle. Do you want things to get luckier than that? Then begin by recognizin­g how lucky you already actually are. Share what inspires you, not what annoys you, and you will yet build bonds that draw you closer to someone special. For more, call 900-528-8880.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

Life is full of things we don’t really want to do. Yet it seems, somehow, that we must do. There are so many tasks we must undertake. Promises we have to keep. There is no getting away from this. But there’s certainly no need to start increasing the number of such obligation­s. You are very good at being honourable. Almost too good. You certainly don’t have to feel bad about a recent decision to award yourself more freedom. As long as you extend that same permission to someone else, a wound will heal. For more, call 900-528-8880.

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

Old habits die hard, especially when those habits were originally formed for a good reason. You only have to get soaked to the skin once before you make a point of carrying an umbrella with you wherever you go. If it never rains again for years though, you can surely safely conclude that you are taking the wrong kind of precaution and that you ought to be worrying about something else. Like, why is it not raining? Don’t look for what’s bad in what’s good. But do look for what’s good in what seems bad. For more, call 900-528-8880.

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