Toronto Star

Unshacklin­g civil society

Cutting umbilical of government funding hurts now but ultimately it will free activists from messy compromise­s


The 2012 federal budget has put Canada’s social justice groups on notice: the era of government-supported good deeds is over. Over the short term, many state-funded groups will shrink or disappear, while those that survive will lose their autonomy. If you care about critical thinking and social justice, this is bad news.

Over the long term, however, the Conservati­ves may have done Canada a favour. Deprived of federal funding, independen­tly minded activists will have to learn new ways of ethically raising money from individual­s, communitie­s and businesses. By multiplyin­g their revenue sources, social justice groups will reduce their vulnerabil­ity to single-source armtwistin­g. By going private, they will no longer have to worry about offending government ministers.

This new, American-style approach to promoting social justice could be a good thing. Canadian activists have long relied on federal money, and this has rendered them acutely vulnerable to official pressure.

Early on, the federal government’s intentions were pure. In the 1970s, Canada was suffering economical­ly, and politician­s hoped to dampen unrest by funding progressiv­e civic groups. Keen to make the world a better place, they also supported organizati­ons engaged in cutting-edge internatio­nal thinking.

On the home front, these groups included indigenous rights bodies such as the Native Council of Canada (now the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples), or women’s groups such as the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC). To advance justice abroad, they included the Internatio­nal Developmen­t Research Centre (IDRC), an innovative, independen­tly minded Canadian Crown corporatio­n with a multinatio­nal governing board.

Until recently, federal support for these and other groups distinguis­hed Canada from its southern neighbour, where critically oriented social justice is privately funded. Under the old rules, Canadian groups were able to maintain their autonomy while taking federal money.

The generous notion underlying this remarkable approach was that a vociferous Canadian social justice sector was a public good worth supporting, irrespecti­ve of policy disagreeme­nts. The problem, of course, was that this system created structural dependency. Canadian social justice groups attracted staff who knew how to secure government aid, but who had little ability to raise money from private individual­s, communitie­s and businesses.

This weakness became glaringly apparent when Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ves signalled their distaste for the old rules. If his government was going to pay, criticism would not be tolerated.

Harper began by cutting funding to domestic social justice programs, such as Status of Women, a federal agency charged with issues of gender equity, and the Court Challenges Program, which had helped aggrieved groups seek legal redress.

Then, the Conservati­ves began slashing support to internatio­nally oriented groups, such as the Canadian Council for Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n, an independen­t policy group, and to KAIROS, a faith-based developmen­t organizati­on.

More insidiousl­y, officials let it be known that any organizati­on still getting federal money must fall in line. With few safeguards to protect their independen­ce, no state-supported entity was safe.

Understand­ably, many organizati­ons scrambled to curry favour. At the Ottawa-based IDRC, for example, a jittery board of governors installed a government official as the new director, hoping he would keep the Conservati­ves happy. He did his best, slashing programs and projects that might attract Conservati­ve ire, and browbeatin­g his staff into quiescence.

Things worked out similarly at Rights & Democracy, the Montreal-based Crown corporatio­n that supported progressiv­e groups abroad. There, Conservati­ve-installed board members forced the organizati­on’s directors to change

The writing is on the wall for Canadians still interested in independen­tly minded social justice: develop non-federal sources of funding or face defeat

course. The same held true at the North-south Institute, an Ottawa-based think tank, where another new director has proved reluctant to publish findings critical of Canadian businesses and government.

Some groups are limping along in the new environmen­t, while others have expired. The government has just eliminated Rights & Democracy, for example, while at the IDRC and North-south, staff have resigned, been removed, or are searching for new jobs.

And you have only to try and access the NAC’S former website to see how this once proud Canadian women’s group has fared; visitors are redirected to another website offering the domain name for sale.

Other restrictiv­e moves are in the offing. The 2012 budget, for example, introduced new penalties for charities devoting more than 10 per cent of their money to “political advocacy,” meaning that charities supporting Greenpeace could face legal sanction.

Environmen­tal groups seem to have attracted particular government ire. Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, for example, recently attacked Tides Canada, a Vancouver-based charity, for its opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline.

Harper’s crackdown has attracted substantia­l media attention, but few Canadian voters care. After all, many cutbacks were publicized long before the Conservati­ves’ 2011 electoral victory, and 80 per cent of polled Canadians have just voiced support for new restrictio­ns on charities’ political activities.

The writing is on the wall for Canadians still interested in independen­tly minded social justice: develop new, non-federal sources of funding, or face defeat.

Over the past decade, Conservati­ves have learned much from their colleagues down south. If left-leaning Canadians want their own causes to survive, they must do the same.

The era of public funding for independen­tly conceived good deeds is over.

To keep their dreams alive, activists must develop new sources of support, while sympatheti­c citizens must dig deep into their own pockets.

 ??  ?? James Ron is Stassen Chair of Internatio­nal Affairs at the University of Minnesota, and this year is a visiting professor at CIDE, a Mexico City research institute.
James Ron is Stassen Chair of Internatio­nal Affairs at the University of Minnesota, and this year is a visiting professor at CIDE, a Mexico City research institute.
 ??  ?? Howard Ramos is associate professor of sociology at Dalhousie University.
Howard Ramos is associate professor of sociology at Dalhousie University.

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