Toronto Star


Week Ahead Part 2-Love Focus Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Charges from a cellphone are higher. Calls are administer­ed by


ARIES (March 21 — April 20) Imagine, for a moment, a perfect world. Peace, love and understand­ing. All harmony, no hassle. Yawn. How quickly we would all get bored. Instinctiv­ely, we are each blessed with a capacity to recognize this. So we take it in turns to go out of our way to prevent such a terrible eventualit­y from arising. We pick fights. We nurture resentment­s. We feed conflicts. Isn’t that good of us? Don’t feel obliged to contribute to that culture in your own emotional life. Tension needs to be gently diffused, not ramped up.

For more, call 900-528-8880.

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21) “Hello, how are you?” “I’m fine thanks, how are you?” “Oh, I’m fine too.’” “How’s so and so?” “Oh, they’re fine too.” “And how’s...” Well, you know the drill. Polite conversati­on. So polite that it effectivel­y annihilate­s all possibilit­y of meaningful exchange. How can you be honest about what you’re feeling and what you’re going through, when you’ve already begun your dialogue by insisting that everything is okay? Don’t stand on ceremony. There is a chance now to deepen a truly meaningful relationsh­ip — but this requires candour.

For more, call 900-528-8880. GEMINI (May 22 — June 22) The future starts here. Now, I know that this is always true no matter when you say it, but it is somehow more true here, in this particular now. Your emotional outlook is encouragin­g. There is an opportunit­y to fulfill a fantasy — and this, in turn, could lead you to a change that goes beyond your wildest dreams. And your dreams are quite excitingly wild. Should you be worried in case you end up creating the kind of future that later becomes a checkered past? No. You should, perhaps, be careful — but you need not worry.

For more, call 900-528-8880.

CANCER (June 23 — July 23) History is a funny subject. They teach it to us at school as if it were incontrove­rtible fact. Yet think back for a moment over your own past. Are not several of your memories (if not quite false) at least “carefully embellishe­d” and adjusted? When you talk to someone else who has shared an experience with you, does their version match yours in every respect? All history is, at least to some extent, negotiable and rewriteabl­e. If, in your emotional life, you now want to improve tomorrow, look at yesterday in a different light.

For more, call 900-528-8880. LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23) The world is full of gossip. Who is seeing whom? Who is splitting up? Who is getting together? What right do any of us have to know about any of this? And it isn’t even as if we are merely being informed; we are invited to develop opinions. Yet if we have never met the people in question, how can we possibly hope to know whether a couple is well suited? Your own emotional life may not be making the headlines, but it is certainly drawing comment from some quarters of the community. Don’t let this influence you. For more, call 900-528-8880.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23) Whenever we take offence, we take a risk. Few of us have immaculate judgment or impeccable taste. We all make mistakes and we all repent, at leisure, for what we have said or done in haste. You have good reason to resent a particular person’s bad behaviour. You have been hurt by this and you cannot believe that all their actions were entirely unconsciou­s. But have you not both now made your points? And might it not now be time for you both to make your peace? Some real healing can happen soon. For more, call 900-528-8880.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23) Some people can’t see what’s right in front of their nose. A trip to the optician won’t help. The problem is not visual; it is conceptual. They can see only what they are interested in seeing. That’s their prerogativ­e, unless it begins to impinge on your safety or sanity. You now need someone to wake up and smell the coffee or, if they are already doing that, to stop sniff- ing and start sipping. Is such progress likely? Well, the coffee is strong. Other eyes are about to start opening. Make sure you open yours, too. For more, call 900-528-8880.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22) The path of least resistance. That’s what we all tend to follow in the end. Even if we set out along some other road, it is only a matter of time before inertia sets in. Why keep doing what’s difficult? We all prefer whatever is (or at least seems to be) easiest. There are times, though, when even the trains that run on the straightes­t of tracks have to change direction at the points. You can now make a brave decision about where you want your emotional and personal life to go next. The cosmos is ready. Are you? For more, call 900-528-8880.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21) A while ago you collected up the ingredient­s to bake a very special cake. You got them all in place and then, for one reason or another, there was no chance to make it. You all but forgot you had made the effort. Here comes a reminder of what has been stashed in your psychologi­cal store. Your emotional energy has not gone to waste. A magic moment has taken a long time to arrive, but it has come at last. Within reason, anything is possible. If you reach for the resources you need, you will find them. For more, call 900-528-8880.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20) Perhaps you are trying to please too many people. Maybe you are making too many excuses for an unsatisfac­tory situation. Outwardly, this may be keeping things calm — but inwardly it is making you restless. Yet this is no bad thing. There is an issue that needs to be dealt with. If someone’s behaviour is unacceptab­le, what good will you do by appearing to accept it? Don’t fear change. If you are going to feel intimidate­d by anything, worry about the idea that circumstan­ces might never change! For more, call 900-528-8880.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19) In polite society we all use euphemisms. We don’t speak bluntly and directly. We allude and imply. In this way, we dance delicately around the edges of sensitive issues. Then we wonder why none of us fully understand­s each other. There are times when it is entirely appropriat­e to restrain ourselves to hints and suggestion­s but there are also times for straight talking. If you want the improvemen­ts that you deserve in your emotional life, it is time to say what needs to be said and to hear what needs to be heard. For more, call 900-528-8880.

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20) You keep wondering whether there is really a point in maintainin­g an attitude or even a routine. You are doing what you feel is expected of you — and someone else is apparently doing the same. But is there any back to this front? Or are you starting to feel as if the street of your emotional life is like a Hollywood film set, where the buildings are just painted boards propped up from behind by wooden frames? Keep the illusion going just a little longer. It may yet turn out to have more substance to it than you think. For more, call 900-528-8880.

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