Toronto Star

The currency of racism in Canada


When does a $100 bill resemble a burger? When the Bank of Canada decides to “neutralize” the image of a woman that seemed to focus group participan­ts to be Asian. Apparently, the new bill, like a Canadian burger, has no recognizab­le ties to ethnicity. They’re just “regular,” neutral, ethnicity-free entities — in essence, the default category for everything not found in the lone “ethnic food” aisle in my grocery store.

The original image on the bill, an “Asian-looking” woman peering through a microscope, was unsettling to many in the focus groups. One participan­t from Fredericto­n suggested: “The person on it appears to be of Asian descent, which doesn’t rep(resent) Canada. It is fairly ugly.” Others took issue with the depiction of only one ethnicity. A few suggested that the yellow-brown colouring of the banknote “racialized” the bill and enhanced the perception that the woman was Asian. Rather than viewing these comments for what they are — racist and illegitima­te — the Bank of Canada gave them credence by stripping the contentiou­s image of its “Asian” features. Not surprising­ly, the new “neutral” woman appears to be white. In an earlier statement about the issue, a bank spokespers­on indicated that in accordance with its policy, “The original image was not designed or intended to be a person of a particular ethnic origin,” which is why it was modified.

There’s no question that the bank messed up. But to his credit, Mark Carney issued an official apology on Monday, noting that the new image “appears to represent only one ethnic group.” While I have trouble envisionin­g a potentiall­y “all-inclusive” image, I applaud the governor’s recognitio­n that white people have ethnicitie­s, too. Just like my burger.

This acknowledg­ement is critical given the belief by some white Canadians that ethnicity is something “other” people have, a belief reinforced by the bank’s attempt to make the image neutral. The power to deem something “neutral,” “regular” or “other” is the power to set the dominant standard against which we are all compared.

Disturbing remarks about the bill weren’t limited to focus group participan­ts. Online news stories generated thousands of comments and many anonymous posters seized on the opportunit­y to launch into lengthy racist (and sexist) rants about everything from the way Asian women drive and how white men are responsibl­e for every major historical achievemen­t, to how “our” country is being taken over by immigrants. Some contributo­rs sexualized Asian women. Some posts were so foul that moderators removed them.

Even more common were the endless tirades about “political correctnes­s” as a toxin that is polluting the country. People were angry that the bank had even considered using an Asian-looking woman, that others criticized the reversal, and that the news media had bothered to report the story. Now, Carney’s apology has incited a new storm of attacks. It’s dishearten­ing that efforts to be inclusive or anti-racist so often become pejorative­ly labelled as “politicall­y correct,” as if such initiative­s were bad things.

This controvers­y has brought to the surface some very unattracti­ve truths. It has confirmed the experience­s of many racialized people born and raised here and elsewhere: Canada is a society of “regular,” ethnicity-free, white Canadians, and the rest of us — the ethnic “Canadians” — are guests in our own home, tolerated (sort of ), but at perpetual risk of overstayin­g our welcome.

The Bank of Canada’s decision was offensive, but Carney did the right thing by taking responsibi­lity. Now it’s our turn.

As a country, we’re at an important political and social crossroads. The choices that we make moving forward — during the upcoming Quebec election, in response to antiMuslim racism in reasonable accommodat­ion debates, or in defining the “us” and “them” in Canadian narratives — will reflect our aspiration­s and commitment as a nation. Such issues demand a cogent, unwavering, unapologet­ic, anti-racist response.

Are we up for the challenge? Rakhi Ruparelia is a law professor at the University of Ottawa specializi­ng in issues of racism.

Banknote controvers­y has brought to the surface some very unattracti­ve truths.

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