Toronto Star


- JONATHAN CAINER Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

Remember the spectacula­r Transit of Venus that took place in early June? Around that time, I kept telling people the tale of Captain Cook. He led an expedition to Tahiti to view the transit of 1769 and found Australia on his way home. Ever since, astrologer­s have associated this alignment with new horizons. I was recently looking at some of those stunning pictures from Curiosity, the robot rover now exploring Mars. Mars seems an inhospitab­le place, a long way from the rest of the world we know. But then, once we might have said much the same about Sydney!

ARIES (March 21 — April 20)

Must guardian angels wear uniforms? Must they adhere to a dress code? Are there penalties for turning up on duty with messy feathers or tea stains down your white robe? Is this, perhaps, why it sometimes seems as if you’re not getting as much heavenly help as you could do with? Might your cosmic protectors be prone to having wardrobe crises? Unlikely, really, given that etheric beings have no physical forms to clothe! But whatever they’re wearing, the celestial support squad will turn out in force for you soon! Dial in your date of birth. Get your NEW Moonsign forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

Have you heard about Wizzo? It’s the most incredible drink/food/ formula. One gulp/bite/applicatio­n will make you look years younger/ pounds lighter/50 times more likely to win the lottery. Now, don’t you want some? Aren’t you willing to pay whatever it costs? Yet such a thing cannot be bought, no matter how much some people would like you to believe they have it for sale. So there’s not much point in saying “only Wizzo will do!” Look today for the Wizzo that’s already in your own heart and mind!

For your NEW spookily accu- rate Moonsign forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

GEMINI ( May 22 — June 22)

Many courts pay good fees and travel expenses to expert witnesses. Many clients are willing to accept high charges if they feel they are getting advice from a real expert. No wonder then, that the world is full of so many people who claim to be experts in one field or another. No wonder they get so nervous when the extent of their knowledge is challenged or questioned. No wonder this only makes them pontificat­e in an even more confident tone of voice. But the only real expert on a sensitive matter today is you! Let your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast change your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CANCER ( June 23 — July 23)

You may be a Cancerian but having Venus in your sign entitles you to feel (and act) like a temporary, honorary Leo. You can be confident, charismati­c and relaxed. You can melt icy hearts with a warm winning smile, charm concession­s, take bold brave decisions and trust that they’ll lead you to the right outcome. These qualities are always in you, but sometimes they are not so easy to ac- cess. Currently they’re on tap. Reach within, turn the control to “full” and bluff your way to success today! For inspiring news listen to your NEW Moonsign forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

Please don’t read today’s Cancerian forecast. I have said something in there that you may not approve of and I should have asked your permission first. Whoops! I have lost you haven’t I? You’ve either stopped reading this and gone to look it up or you’re planning to turn there next. That’s interestin­g. When you hear that you are not supposed to do something, your current first reaction is to challenge that assertion and find out what else is going on! Don’t get caught in a trap by that trait today. Your new Moonsign forecast is ready. Don’t miss this! Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23)

Imagine if machines responded to people’s personalit­ies. We wouldn’t need mechanics or engineers. We could just take broken computers to chip-therapists and our sluggish cars to horsepower whisperers. ”Mr Smith, take a seat and settle your machine on this table. I shall now ask you both to explain your arguments and to each listen respectful­ly to what the other says.” In some situations, such mediation processes work well. But in your world now, a practical matter needs logical attention. Don’t take it personally. Tap into the mystical power of the waxing Moon. Call 1-900528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

Though many conversati­ons take place every day, rare are the truly meaningful exchanges. Often, when one person speaks, the other is so busy thinking about what they want to say next that they are hardly listening. Protocols and pleasantri­es of dialogue may be honoured but the deeper requiremen­ts for true, honest sharing are not met. We hear “informatio­n.” We hear “tone of voice.” We don’t hear what’s in each other’s hearts. If you now wish that someone understood you better, begin by trying to understand them. Dial in your date of birth for your NEW Moonsign forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

Think of someone you love. Each time you see them you have a happy reaction. Would you love them less if they looked any different? Our deepest emotional bonds are based on something much more important than superficia­l appearance. Or at least, they had better be! But sometimes, even people with the most powerful connection­s to each other become self-conscious about whether they look right. Focus now on what’s truly wonderful about someone and they will see something similarly transcende­nt about you! Let your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast change your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21)

You’ve got a plan. You feel enthusiast­ic and hopeful when you think about it. But will it work? Might it be based on false optimism or an unrealisti­c appraisal of your prospects? I’m not asking this to put you off or bring you down to earth. I’m echoing the doubts and concerns that others are expressing and you are half inclined to take seriously. But the proof of any plan is never how it sounds in theory. What matters is how sincerely and determined­ly it is implemente­d. Don’t give up on what you haven’t yet even really tried! NEW! Your powerful new Moonsign forecast is ready. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

The world is full of people who don’t know quite as much as they think they know. But they don’t know that about themselves! Whenever anyone thinks they know about something, they think they know most of what there is to know about it. But most of what there is to know is not the same as all that there is to know. The tiny bit that someone may not know about a subject might just be the one most crucial piece of informatio­n. Seek insights and opinions today. But be wary of statements made with emphatic certainty! I’ve got exciting news for you. Call your NEW Moonsign prediction: 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

Sometimes we talk about “the universe,” “the cosmos” or “the hand of fate’ as if these were all forces separate from ourselves. We see them as “bigger than us” and we imagine ourselves to be just helpless victims in the face of their whims. Yet there is a school of thought that says the centre of the universe is you! If you weren’t here, would there even be a cosmos? And if a fate is “your fate” then surely, as the owner of it, you get a say in it! Don’t underestim­ate the power of the choices you are free to make now. Are you ready to feel the power of the waxing Moon? Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

Buildings, generally, are stable and solid. They stay where they have been put. They look much the same from one day to the next. People’s lives and situations often fit this descriptio­n too but they have a much greater tendency to change shape, sometimes dramatical­ly and rapidly. As you now assess a proposed solution to a problem, don’t underestim­ate the amount of helpful fluidity within a key set of circumstan­ces. If there’s some factor that you really wish you could alter perhaps you yet can! Your new Moonsign forecast is ready. Don’t miss this! Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

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