Toronto Star

MPS’ pay, pension reform go hand in hand


OTTAWA— In this little hyperparti­san piece of the planet, there is something on which all 305 MPs can likely agree.

Only a fool would argue their existing pension plan is fair and should remain untouched.

Stephen Harper surely understand­s this, but if the quid pro quo for a less lucrative pension is a pay hike next year, MPs will have done nothing to raise their doleful standing among Canadians.

At present, MPs are eligible for a pension at age 55 after six years of service in the Commons, or, put another way, after two election victories.

They are then eligible for up to 75 per cent of their salary.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, taxpayers contribute almost $24 for every dollar contribute­d to the plan by the MP, and the CTF says it takes the average Canadian worker five times longer to get the same pension benefits of an MP with six years’ service.

The CBC reported this week that the money in the plan is not invest- ed, but sits in public accounts where legislatio­n guarantees a 10-per-cent return regardless of the performanc­e of the market.

The Harper government is expected to change the age eligibilit­y from 55 to 65 and drasticall­y increase the amount MPs must contribute to the plan.

But this being Ottawa, even a long-overdue measure that most Canadians would support must be wrapped in the most unsavoury political packaging possible.

Never missing an opportunit­y to inject cynicism into the body politic, the Conservati­ves will place the MPs’ pension matter in another omnibus bill, serving their purposes on two fronts. By stuffing it into a bill that will run to hundreds of pages and include a litany of measures the opposition will not support, they hope to score cheap points with reports that Liberals and New Democrats opposed the pension reform. The attention given to the MPs’ pension move will also give the government cover on its real goal: the reform of public service pensions. The Liberals, with nothing to lose, have leapt into the self-flagellati­on pool fully clothed. House leader Marc Garneau called for the pension move to be stripped from the omnibus bill, declaring Liberals ready to suck it up in these tough times. Deputy leader Ralph Goodale came out four-square opposed to a pay raise. New Democrats, with the smallest proportion of MPs entitled to parliament­ary pensions, want to move the pension and pay question out of the Commons and into the hands of an independen­t panel. Whatever the merits of that scheme, the NDP missed an op- portunity to take the lead on an austerity measure that would be popular with voters. Which brings us to MPs’ pay. The basic MP salary of $157, 731 (which rises, based on responsibi­lities, up to Harper’s $317,574) is due for a hike next April after a threeyear freeze. It is often argued that a decent salary is needed to lure the best and the brightest into public service from more lucrative privatesec­tor posts. Often, lawyers are used as the classic example, but there are only 44 lawyers among the 305 current MPs and the salaries match up fairly closely. According to ZSA Legal Recruitmen­t, a lawyer with six years’ experience in a large, private downtown Toronto firm would earn from $175,000 to $190,000, although bonuses, options and benefits can hike that base substantia­lly. Lawyers don’t have to leave their families to practise in the capital; they don’t have to fly to British Columbia or Newfoundla­nd on weekends; they don’t have to at- tend fall fairs or school activity days on those weekends.

But a base of nearly $158,000 is hardly a vow of poverty, and Harper would be wise to take a page from Dalton McGuinty (salary $208,974) on this one. McGuinty, with the support of the two opposition parties, extended a three-year freeze on MPPs’ $116,000 salary for another two years.

The government is right to tackle the pension question, though a more transparen­t, less cynical leader would put the question to MPs in a separate bill and open the matter to a full debate for all Canadians to see.

Then, it should freeze salaries for a couple more years, with the support of an NDP that speaks daily of the economic hardships of ordinary Canadians.

Public servants are being asked to sacrifice. MPs should share the (relative) pain, get themselves re-elected and talk salary again in 2015. Tim Harper is a national affairs writer. His column appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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