Toronto Star

‘Joke’ email by police fuels human rights complaint

Thunder Bay news release angers First Nations


It began with a “joke” news release, meant to be sent to only Thunder Bay police.

“Fresh Mouth Killer Captured!!” the subject line declared, with a half-written email below it, including a misspelled joke about “Scope.”

The email referenced a real investigat­ion into a man’s slaying. Adam Yellowhead was found dead in an area frequented by people who use mouthwash to get drunk.

Then, the officer who wrote the release accidental­ly sent it to Thunder Bay media Sept. 1.

“It was disturbing,” said Johnny Yellowhead, chief of Nibinamik First Nation and a nephew of the slain man.

“My relatives were so upset. My aunts were asking, ‘How could they? Are they trying to hurt people?’ ”

Yellowhead and two other local chiefs, supported by the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), have launched a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.

The complaint names Det. John Read, who allegedly sent the fake release, deputy police chief Andy Hay, chief J.P. Levesque and the police services board as respondent­s.

Police not only reinforced harmful stereotype­s about First Nations, the complaint alleges, they denied the email was racist in nature.

The fake release was retracted seconds later. Levesque said there would be an internal investigat­ion into the “inappropri­ate” email. By no means, Levesque said, was this a “racial issue.”

Mayor Keith Hobbs, a member of the police services board, told media at the time the release had been “blown out of proportion.”

The lawyer for the complainan­ts, Julian Falconer, said this response trivialize­d the family’s concerns.

“This could have played out very differentl­y had the police leadership, in my view, not completely mishandled this,” he said.

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler questioned why this kind of humour would be acceptable within the police service.

“For a senior officer to put this on the news release template and circulate it, I think that speaks volumes,” he said. “(Police) are not expecting to be held accountabl­e.”

But after announcing the complaint this week, Fiddler said he fears their concerns are still being dismissed.

Police executive officer Chris Adams on Tuesday called the complaint “insulting.”

In an interview Thursday, Adams said he was simply taken by surprise by the complaint. Police had apologized to NAN and the Yellowhead family, he said.

“I believed we were working towards a solution to resolve this thing,” he said, adding they take the complaint seriously.

The mayor said every workplace has its share of inappropri­ate emails. Hobbs, a former police associatio­n president, denied the email was making a joke of a man’s death.

“It was naming a suspected killer. Police worldwide, for years, have been giving handles to killers, like Jack the Ripper,” he said.

His concern at this point was mending the strained relationsh­ip between First Nations, the city and police, he said.

“I personally have done a lot to build relationsh­ips and bridges in the community,” he said.

“I don’t want to see that undone.”

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