Toronto Star

Lewinsky to let cat out of the bag


Washington’s best-known former intern Monica Lewinsky is shopping around a tell-all book detailing her affair with former U.S. President Bill Clinton, according to American publicatio­ns.

Clinton’s dalliances with the then 22-year-old — and denial of having sexual relations with her — played a role in getting Clinton impeached and nearly sacked from the world’s most powerful political office.

Lewinsky, who will turn 40 in July, is said to be shopping her top-secret book to publishers, and if written as promised will expose the tawdry details of the two-year tryst.

The New York Post reports that publishers must sign a nondisclos­ure agreement before they even meet her.

The popular tabloid is prepared to take the veil off secret love letters to Clinton — the man she once called her sexual soulmate — and detail his appetite for kinky sex in her $12-million memoirs.

The Post reports that, according to Lewinsky’s friends, she wants revenge for a life ruined by scandal, while Clinton went on to become a wealthy statesman.

“I’m well-known for something that isn’t great to be well-known for,” Lewinsky reportedly said in 1999. Since then, Lewinsky got a master’s degree, worked briefly as a news correspond­ent and launched a failed handbag line. Her friends told the Post that, because of her past, she can’t find a job.

 ??  ?? Monica Lewinsky is reportedly shopping around a tell-all book about . . . yes, that.
Monica Lewinsky is reportedly shopping around a tell-all book about . . . yes, that.

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