Toronto Star

Madoff victims to get $2.48B


Bernard Madoff’s victims will soon receive $2.48 billion (U.S.) to help cover their losses, by far the largest payout since the swindler’s massive fraud was uncovered nearly four years ago.

Checks ranging from $1,784 to $526.9 million were mailed on Wednesday to 1,230 former customers of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, according to Irving Picard, the trustee liquidatin­g the firm.

The latest payout more than triples the total recovery to $3.63 billion, Picard said on Thursday, adding it will result in 1,074 customers with valid claims, or 44 per cent of the total number, being fully repaid.

Customers had previously recovered $1.15 billion, including sums committed by the Securities Investor Protection Corp, which helps customers of failed brokerages. The average payout in Wednesday’s distributi­on was $2.02 million.

According to a Sept. 13 report by the U.S. Government Accountabi­lity Office, the largest valid customer claims are $1.57 billion by Optimal Multiadvis­ors Ltd, part of Spain’s Banco Santander SA ; and $741 million by M-Invest Ltd, a “feeder” fund created by Switzerlan­d’s Union Bancaire Privee.

Madoff was arrested in December 2008 and pleaded guilty three months later to running a giant Ponzi scheme. Now 74, he is serving a 150-year sentence.

 ??  ?? Bernard Madoff was arrested in December 2008 and pleaded guilty three months later to running a giant Ponzi scheme.
Bernard Madoff was arrested in December 2008 and pleaded guilty three months later to running a giant Ponzi scheme.

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