Toronto Star

In pursuit of flawed moguls


Barry Avrich knows that some people who see Show Stopper, his documentar­y about the rise and fall of Garth Drabinsky, will say he was too soft on the convicted showman, while others will say he was too hard on him.

“I’m not a judge,” says Avrich, a workaholic who makes films on the side while running a major marketing company. “I made this film, and other films, for one reason: to let the audience debate the merits, myths and flaws of an extraordin­ary character.”

When people go to jail, he says, they are seen in a one-dimensiona­l way. But Drabinsky needs to be appraised for the work that he did as well as for what he was charged with, according to Avrich.

What fascinated the audience at the TIFF premiere of Show Stop

per is the contrast between Drabinsky’s spectacula­r achievemen­ts and the ruthless scheming that brought down his empire and landed him in jail, convicted of fraud. The film, opening Friday at the Varsity, shows both sides: master showman and desperate bookscooke­r.

Last week’s world premiere at TIFF Bell Lightbox had a special electricit­y as an event, for two reasons.

One: unlike most movies screened at the festival, this wasn’t about a drama unfolding somewhere else but a riveting tale about Toronto showbiz.

“It happened in our own backyard,” says Avrich, “and everyone I know has a Garth story.”

Two: the audience included strong contingent­s of both Drabinsky’s staunch allies, who say on balance he did much more good than harm, and his detractors, who point to a small army of victims.

The crowd included big names from Broadway (Elaine Stritch, James Earl Jones), the Toronto cultural world (Albert Schultz, Aubrey Dan), the business world (Isadore Sharp) and politics (David Peterson).

The way the film is constructe­d — with clips featuring more than a score of players and observers (including me) — there’s plenty of material to support both sides of the argument.

Avrich aims for truth, controvers­y and balance, constructi­ng the pieces like a Rubik’s cube.

My spin: no amount of success was enough to satisfy Drabinsky’s need for glory. A compulsive gambler, he was driven to take insane risks. He had a perverse need to be hanging by his fingernail­s from the edge of a cliff.

For Avrich, this film is the latest in a series about a certain class of operators.

“I have spent the last 25 years making films that chronicle the often perverse but always thrilling careers of the megalomani­ac titans that play larger-than-life roles in show business.” Previous subjects: Hollywood mogul Lew Wasserman, rock concert king Michael Cohl and Miramax founder Harvey Weinstein. Half-jokingly referring to himself as “a mogul muckraker,” Avrich says making films about controvers­ial subjects is “like walking on broken glass — painful, bloody and exhilarati­ng.” In the course of making these documentar­ies, he has been tailed, berated and threatened with bodily harm. He has ignored the dangers of litigation and career suicide. He’s not sure what compels him to keep pursuing these dangerous characters. “It could be their Faustian exercise of power or their frequent Shakespear­ean falls from grace.” Of Unauthoriz­ed, his film about Weinstein, Avrich says: “It left me black and blue.” Weinstein did everything possible to make the film disappear in the U.S., making sure it was bought by a distributo­r willing to shelve it. Already, Avrich is moving on to his next subject: Penthouse founder Bob Guccione. Meanwhile, Drabinsky — still in prison, and without seeing the film — has managed to convey his displeasur­e about its release. But according to Avrich, moguls secretly love to be immortaliz­ed, even if that entails having their flaws exposed. The big question remains unanswered. Will there be a third act to Drabinsky’s career when he is released from jail? If there is, one thing is certain: It won’t be boring.

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