Toronto Star


- JONATHAN CAINER Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

Recent news stories say plenty about the meaning of those seven “squares” between Uranus and Pluto. Uranus has symbolized “the ideal of democracy and the right to freedom of speech” ever since it was discovered just after the American Revolution and just before the French one. Pluto is all about passionate­ly held conviction­s involving ultimate powers that must never be questioned. In astrology, a square (or right angle) is always interprete­d as a portent of conflict. The current clash between the fundamenta­l ethos of two different cultures is, I fear, likely to intensify before it eventually resolves.

ARIES (March 21 —April 20)

If security is a kind of food, change is a sort of salt. Too much may be unpalatabl­e but too little is also problemati­c. Often in life, the challenge is to get the balance right. We don’t achieve that by swinging to extremes. There’s a situation now that you’re keen to alter. Because you’re not keen on things the way they are, you’re inclined to imagine that the only solution is a radical, dramatic one. Yet if you’re bold enough to set a small adjustment in motion, you’ll find you’re also strong enough to moderate the process. I need to tell you how the Equinox can lift your spirits. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

Do carrots help you see in the dark? My grandmothe­r was sure they did. They lived in the days before the internet was invented so she couldn’t type the words “carrot” “dark” and “myth” into a search engine. But on the days that she ate carrots, she felt certain that her night vision improved. Maybe it did. When ideas give us confidence, they often give impressive results, regardless of whether scientists think they should or not. Don’t dismiss someone else’s big belief this weekend … but don’t entirely rely on it either! Feel the power of the Equinox. For your new prediction, call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22)

In the old days, stage magicians used to pull rabbits out of hats. These days, top hats are out of fashion and the animal protection leagues forbid the use of small furry animals in such tricks. But when I was a child, if I saw a period film containing actors in such headgear, I always wondered if beneath them, a rabbit might be grazing on their hair! Are you making an “unlikely associatio­n” this weekend? Be just a little suspicious of an assumption that if there’s one thing in your world, there must also be another! Let me tell you why the Equinox is so important for you now. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CANCER (June 23 — July 23)

They say “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Perhaps the distinctio­n implied in that statement is just a little too strong. It suggests that the divine never makes a mistake. It can also be interprete­d, by those who deny the existence of a “divine spark” within each human being, that the likes of you and I may not be capable of forgivenes­s. But we are! This weekend, there’s a need (and a chance) to let go of a bad feeling, a sad memory or a reason to be upset with someone. Guess how good you’ll feel once you do this? How can the Equinox change your life? Let me tell you! Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

If there’s something you can’t have, maybe it is something you don’t need. Venus in Leo is a strong suggestion that you’re being well taken care of by a kindly cosmos. Not only are the planets well disposed towards you but people (who often tend to act as agents of the cosmos) are feeling unusually inspired to assist you with your most important endeavours. Don’t underestim­ate your ability to charm the birds from the trees, the socks off a stranger … or the perfect solution out of a seemingly daunting difficulty. Turn the power of the Equinox to your advantage. Call me now: 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 2 4— Sept. 23)

When we suspect that we’re talking to someone who doesn’t approve of us, our words often fall from our mouths like tiles from a roof on a windy day. We can hear them crash and clash no matter how sweetly we try to speak. And when we feel we have an appreciati­ve audience? Somehow, we express ourselves with far more style and grace. Success, this weekend, involves coaxing a concession from someone who is nervous about how much they dare say. But you can only listen sensitivel­y if you’re willing to truly understand. Want to know how the Equinox can solve your problems? Call me: 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

There’s a classic old story of a religious woman, caught in a flood, who prayed to be rescued. As the waters rose, some people came by in a boat. She didn’t like the look of them so she sent them away saying, “It’s OK. My God will save me.” The waters rose higher. Another boat came. Again she rejected it. Eventually, she drowned. When she met her maker, she got angry. “I prayed. So why didn’t you come for me?” The Creator said, “Eh? I sent you two boats!” Help with a problem is on offer this weekend. Don’t be too fussy! The power of the Equinox can bring positive change. Call me now: 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

Not all relationsh­ips are based on mutual appreciati­on. Some involve a surprising­ly large amount of antagonism. We must be careful before we characteri­se these as undesirabl­e. Often, it is only through conflict or disagreeme­nt that we make our most useful discoverie­s. Two people with views that seem so opposed as to be irreconcil­able may find themselves drawn together because they each share a need to be challenged. If a situation seems uncomforta­ble this weekend, ask what you might be able to learn from it. I need to tell you how the amazing Equinox will touch your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21)

The world’s economic and political circumstan­ces affect us all to some extent, in much the same way as none of us can escape the weather. But just as it is still possible to find love in our hearts, even when surrounded by people who are cold and harsh... or hopeful, even in a situation that many see as hopeless— so we need not conclude that if something can’t be beaten, it must be joined. This weekend brings proof that your external circumstan­ces need not dictate the limits of your inner resourcefu­lness. Discover what the potent power of the Equinox means for you. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

Often, it is only when a process is nearly at an end that you can see how much it has taken from you, why it needed to be undergone and how fortunate you are to have let it occur. When life is at is most intense, there’s just too much to do and to deal with. Reflection has to wait. A lack of understand­ing has to be taken on trust. Slowly, though, you are starting to see the good in much that has lately begun to seem less than ideal. And as you now move towards a bright new era, you’ll start to become even more confident. How will the Equinox bring change to your life? Pick up the phone! Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

Some things can’t, mustn’t or shouldn’t be said. Some sentiments are best left unexpresse­d. Some bones of contention ought not to be gnawed on. Where there’s a potential fire of conflict starting to burn in your world now, you can choose either to feed it fresh fuel or starve it of oxygen. Look carefully, this weekend, at the points you want to make and the debates you could so easily get drawn into. Look also at the possibilit­y of standing back and letting go. That’s the braver (and surely also the wiser) path by far.

Equinox in your life. Give me a call: 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

When Bohemian Rhapsody was recorded, the record company executives insisted that it could not be released as a pop single. The song was, they said, too demanding and most crucially, too long ever to get airplay. Interestin­gly, when various presenters were given unofficial copies, they started playing it. The classic piece was released BECAUSE it was being played so much on the radio. In that story, is the last point this song needs to make to you this week. Something may seem unfeasible now— but, where there’s a will... Find out how the Equinox can touch your heart. Pick up the phone! 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

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