Toronto Star

Four Mistakes that can Cost You on Car Insurance

Keep your rates low by avoiding these costly mistakes.


The cost of car insurance is a major expense for most people, and rising rates often seem unavoidabl­e. But an increase in your premium is not always something you can’t avoid. Often, simple errors lead to over-paying for insurance. These four mistakes are the quickest way to see higher premiums.

Earning a traffic ticket. Tickets are one of the most common reasons that insurance rates go up. Many different traffic violations can be responsibl­e for an increase. Speeding, running right lights and careless driving are

all violations that result in insurance rates that are higher. It takes three years before the ticket is removed from your driving record.

Not shopping for rates before you buy a

new car. People often find themselves shocked by the cost of insurance on their new car, but there’s a way to avoid that. Every car comes with a different insurance rating, and some are pricier than others to insure. When you’re considerin­g options, get car insurance quotes on each possibilit­y before you make a buying decision.

Failure to shop around at regular intervals. Many people avoid it because they believe it’s a hassle, or think they can’t get a better rate. This is one expensive

mistake. People who take the time to shop around almost always pay less; and with internet quoting sites like InsuranceH­, it’s easier than ever.

Failing to take advantage of multi-policy

discounts. What do your home and auto insurance have to do with each other? Well, if you insure them all in the same place, it could be quite a lot – of savings that is. Most insurance companies offer a multi-policy discount. If you don’t have all of your policies in the same place, you could be missing out on some big savings on all of your policies.

Remember that the very best way to keep your insurance premiums low is to be a safe driver and shop around for better rates. Insurance quoting sites like InsuranceH­ can help by comparing your insurance rate against over 30 car insurance companies to find you a lower rate available for your driving profile.

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