Toronto Star

5 tips to help kids sleep


There can be a lot of reasons why your child isn’t getting a good sleep at night, causing anxiety, moodiness and sluggishne­ss during the day. Here are five tips to help your child get a better sleep tonight:

1 Set a schedule The most important thing is to set realistic sleep and wake-up times that fit into you and your child’s daytime schedule. This sleep schedule should stay consistent, even on weekends, with about one hour of flexibilit­y, says Dr. Tom Jackson, a psychiatri­st specializi­ng in the treatment of sleep disorders. Even if a parent’s sleep pattern is always changing, it is essential to try to keep a child’s sleep as consistent as possible with most experts agreeing on about eight hours per day, or 10 hours for small children and teens.

2 Make a routine Your child should have a regular routine to get ready for bed, starting about 30 minutes before their scheduled bedtime. This should involve familiar activities that are comforting and relaxing, Dr. Jackson says. Things to avoid as part of this routine include watching TV, games, physical activities, caffeine or lots of liquids. Some suggested activities include a warm bath, reading together or listening to relaxing music. The older the child is, the more flexible these routines can be.

3 Set the mood The environmen­t your child sleeps in can be just as important as the routine. It’s essential your child sleeps at a comfortabl­e and consistent temperatur­e that is not too warm (no more than 75 F). The room should be dark, but using a night-light for children is OK. A ceiling fan or leaving a door cracked open can help with air circulatio­n. Make sure there are no loud distractio­ns near the child’s room, such as a TV.

4 Avoid napping The American Sleep Associatio­n says naps decrease the “sleep debt” for the next night, which makes it more difficult to get to bed at the same time each night and may cause children to be restless. Instead of napping, if you find your child is tired way before bedtime, try adjusting the weekly sleep schedule.

5 Daytime strategy In the morning, making sure children are exposed to sunlight as soon as possible starts their circadian rhythms for the rest of the day, says Dr. Jackson. He said it’s important your child doesn’t see his or her bedroom as a place for punishment or timeouts, so use a different space for this if necessary. Make sure to supervise video games, TV and Internet so your child is not exposed to frightenin­g or confusing images that may cause nightmares and try to monitor your child’s emotions during the day to eliminate negative feelings before bed.

 ??  ?? Getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to a child’s health.
Getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to a child’s health.

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