Toronto Star




Hi there Jonathan, This is the last year until 2101 where the written date will consist of “same numbers”. Once a year, every year, since 2001 I have noticed people wondering if these “same number” dates have a meaning. So what about 12.12.12? Katie Hi there Katie, I always feel awkward when I have to answer a question like this. What right do I have, as an astrologer, to dismiss the apparently related activity of divination through date numerology? It’s going to sound like the pot criticizin­g the kettle! Let’s just say, I don’t personally see it as important!

Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

ARIES (March 21 —April 20) What’s the difference between a small disagreeme­nt and a big dispute? Often, it’s social nicety. When there’s deference, delicacy and diplomacy, most ruffled feathers can be smoothed. But when there’s a sense of aggression, hostility, defensiven­ess or exclusion, it’s much more likely that a small problem will turn into a large one. It’s not like I’m telling you anything you don’t already know here. But sometimes we forget things we ought to remember. It may be wise to keep all that in mind this week.

Be ready for the magic on offer to you in October. Call me: 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21) Are you starting to get a little confused? Venus is opposing Neptune. That suggests you’re trying to process a lot of informatio­n, make sense of some conflictin­g suggestion­s or digest an explanatio­n than doesn’t make sense. It’s appropriat­e to feel as if you’re not sure what to do about something. Worse would be to feel a sense of certainty, based on an assumption that hasn’t been properly tested and verified. For the next few days, at least, better to quarrel with a quandary than battle for a boundary.

October brings you a cosmic opportunit­y for change. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22) Making a decision is like closing a curtain over a window of opportunit­y. Turning that choice into a clear commitment is like pulling a shutter. It’s a way of saying, “I have considered all the available options and rejected the rest. I have also given thought to the other possibilit­ies that might later arise and decided that none of these are likely to be as desirable as the one I have selected.” You’re aware of this. You don’t usually jump to conclusion­s too hastily. But aren’t you now being a bit quick?

October is a powerful month for you. Find out more. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

CANCER (June 23 — July 23) The real question now is, “What can you do?” If there’s a move you can make, a plan you can follow, a goal (no matter how remote) that you can aim for, then surely it makes sense to give it all you’ve got. But if there isn’t, then you’ve somehow got to find a way to accept a situation that can’t be changed. In the first instance, this may well involve making absolutely sure that you’re all out of other options. Don’t leave so much as a stone unturned or an idea ignored. Then do the only thing that’s left to do!

Don’t miss your inspiring forecast for October. Call me: 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23) You deserve to be happy. You are entitled to enjoy a good mood. You need not feel as if somehow the universe wants you to suffer or that you must now accept a punishment for some dreadful deed performed earlier in this lifetime or perhaps in another. Even the most dreadful deed you may ever have committed does not need to be atoned for by a life of perpetual penance. If something is eating you, take yourself away from its jaws. This week has such fine potential to bring you joy. Give it a chance!

Your NEW four-minute forecast for October is ready. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23) This week has a pleasant developmen­t in store. Within days, Venus will commence her annual journey through your sector of the sky. For most of the rest of October, you’ll be under the comforting influence of this positive planet. You’ll discover you are capable of attracting much support and appreciati­on. You have influentia­l friends and enthusiast­ic admirers and you’re in a good position now to reveal several of your most impressive skills. You were born blessed with great gifts that can now be put to work.

I want to tell you why October has so many opportunit­ies. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23) The end of an era approaches. This does not necessaril­y signify the end of any arrangemen­t that you wish to sustain. It simply means that if you’re tired of a situation, fed up with a set of circumstan­ces or you are inwardly hankering to be set free from restric- tions you find uncomforta­ble or commitment­s you wish you didn’t have to honour, a moment of liberation may be much nearer than you think. Will there be consequenc­es? Of course! Will these represent a price that’s too high to pay? Not really!

I have inspiring news in your brand-new October forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22) We begin the week with Mars in your sign. We end it with Saturn in Scorpio. Like a pair of Olympic torch-bearers, these two planets swap duties soon. You go from feeling driven, pressured and on edge to seeing how you have so much more power, control and choice than you realized. It’s also true that you have many responsibi­lities. But these are a pleasure to take care of when you’re feeling quietly confident and comfortabl­y capable. Soon you’ll have such a secure state of mind.

Your forecast for the whole of October can really help you. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21) Jupiter is now in the process of changing direction. This is causing you to feel intensely aware of all that needs to alter. How have you managed to get yourself quite where you are now? More importantl­y, how can you now put yourself into a better, more pleasing position? These questions might be awkward to ask, were it not for the fact that they are starting to produce some illuminati­ng and inspiring answers. You can see clearly a long way from the vantage point you’re now arriving at.

The power of the planets in October can change your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20) For some while we’ve been counting the days, looking forward to the moment when Saturn moves into a new sector of the sky for the first time in over two years. In telling you about this change, I may have been raising a big expectatio­n. Perhaps you think everything will alter dramatical­ly the moment that this celestial developmen­t occurs. You will notice a subtle but significan­t change immediatel­y. A mood of greater confidence will well up within you later this week. From this, in time, all else will flow.

October brings great potential for change. I’ll explain. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19) They say that “out of sight is out of mind.” That’s not always the case. Often, we remember people and situations from long ago and far away. We feel deeply connected to them, even if we’ve been out of touch for a long time. But there’s a big difference between a one-sided memory and a living relationsh­ip. Somehow, this week you’re adding a level of real new depth to an old involvemen­t. What was already special is about to become even more special and meaningful, in the nicest possible way.

Four minutes on the phone can make October special. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20) Do you feel as if you are being asked to supply more than you can spare? Emotionall­y, psychologi­cally and even materially, there are big demands being made on some of your most scant resources. But perhaps those resources are not as finite as you fear. Work on the assumption this week that what you need, you can find! To some extent, it’s the very idea of a “limit” that is helping to put (and keep) a limit in place. If you’re willing to be imaginativ­e and inspired, amazing things may yet start to happen.

Inspiring times await you in October. Call your NEW forecast: 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell phone, just press # then 5486.)

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