Toronto Star



In just over a year, we may start to see an impressive comet in the sky each night. Though some such objects are “cyclical,” this 2013 “Christmas Comet” is new. I’ve recently been asking mystics and psychic explorers what they feel it might mean. Several have suggested names like Pandora, Excalibur and Allat. Given its arrival in the middle of a sequence of seven squares between Pluto and Uranus, most feel we can expect the comet to raise awareness, promote healing, foster hope, inspire a quest for peace and help us wake up to the potential for higher consciousn­ess.

Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

ARIES ( March 21 — April 20)

You’ve got excellent powers of selfrestra­int when you choose to use them. It’s just that you don’t always feel so inclined. When some situations annoy or upset you, it’s usually for a good reason. You can see that something is wrong and it needs to be set right. Naturally enough, you are eager to start taking constructi­ve steps and drawing problems to the attention of those who should be taking action. But this weekend, all you really need to do is wait till what’s obvious to you becomes obvious to someone else. I’ve just recorded your indepth forecast. You need to hear it. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

Chaotic situations are always magical. When things get crazy, boundaries get blurred and the things that are “not allowed” somehow become more permissibl­e. If, instead of reacting with outrage or dismay, we simply acknowledg­e that the usual rules have been suspended, we can start looking for some rules that we, too, would quite like to stretch! The very factor that’s causing you most annoyance this weekend is the one that might yet be turned into the one from which you can profit the most!

Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

GEMINI ( May 22 — June 22)

Remember all those Harry Potter stories about powerful magic wands. Even at her most dramatic, even J.K. Rowling didn’t suggest that such magical tools had minds of their own. The witches and wizards were the ones with the power. The pieces of wood that they waved were just ways to focus their energy. I mention this because you now suspect that you lack a resource. “Without that,” you wonder, “what can I do?” I am here to tell you that you can do plenty. Your inner strength is all you need to fix a problem this weekend. There’s deeper insight in your in-depth forecast. Call 1-900528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CANCER ( June 23 — July 23)

Psychologi­sts love to speak about the “inner child.” These experts believe that deep down below the surface of even the most sober, mature individual, there’s a two-year-old feeling tempted to throw a tantrum. But, of course, if we’ve got a kid in our heart somewhere, we’ve all also got an “inner parent” we can call on for help. This weekend, you simply need to get in touch with the wisest, most sensible aspect of your own personalit­y. Look in your heart for the best possible guidance. Then follow that advice! Hear how your life could change for the better soon. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

Optimists, we are often told, are foolish. Those with a willingnes­s to think the best of others are dangerousl­y naïve. If we don’t keep looking over our shoulder, trouble may sneak up on us from behind. But then again, if we never stop looking back, we may fail to see when we’ve got a clear, safe way to go forwards. You’re not sure, this weekend, whether it’s wise to be hopeful. Perhaps you should prepare for the worst? But to do so is to issue the worst with a clear invitation to enter your world! Invite in the best instead! I’ve recorded a special forecast for you. Become inspired. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23)

Some rules are made to be broken. Or, at least, stretched, bent and relaxed a bit from time to time. Moderation is a fine thing. Generally, in life, whenever we go to an extreme, we pay a price in terms of our emotional and psychologi­cal wellbeing. I mention this because over the coming weekend, you face some kind of dilemma involving boundaries, limits and points past which you normally wouldn’t go. I’m not saying “forget them all.” But holding too tightly to a point of principle is not such a great rule to follow either. Need to know more? Listen to your in-depth forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

LIBRA ( Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

The world never stops changing. Whilst some observe, quite astutely that “the more it changes, the more it stays the same,” there are still many factors that don’t apply in quite the same way as once they did. If that’s true of fashions, trends, rules and even technologi­cal matters … it’s true of feelings, emotions and involvemen­ts. Might you now be applying old priorities and perception­s to a new paradigm? Look, this weekend, for what might now be starting to work a little differentl­y — in a way that surely suits you. You really should hear your in-depth forecast. It’s powerful. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

There’s a big difference between feeling helpless and feeling hopeful. That difference becomes even more pronounced if you’re not just experienci­ng a positive frame of mind but you’re seeing clear evidence that you have the ability to make progress. Even if, so far, such signs have been hard to detect, you’ll pick up several this weekend. Trust them as they present themselves. Trust too, your own ability to make wise choices and to implement these successful­ly. Where there are obstacles, you can overcome them. Let me tell you how you can make your week really great. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21)

Where’s the guard, clutching the rifle, guarding the door through which you can never hope to pass? Are you sure it is even locked? And if it is, what’s that key-shaped object lying on the floor nearby? Somehow, this weekend, you’re being helped to see new possibilit­ies, options, alternativ­es, and invitation­s. These are not fanciful visions, intended to bring comfort in moments of frustratio­n. These represent real chances, as long as you are willing to take them. But you need to stop feeling so doubtful of your own ability to break free. I need to talk to you about what’s in your forecast. (It’s good). Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

Such powerful, positive possibilit­ies now begin to arise for you. But can you recognise them? Or are you in- clined to see them as irrelevant developmen­ts, debatable distractio­ns or even unwelcome imposition­s? Try to be open-minded. Think of the forces of fate, now at work in the universe, as your friend. In the way that one close companion can tease another, the cosmos has dressed up a gift inside a package that you’re not so sure you like the look of. Don’t just dismiss what’s being offered. Open it up and take a good look. I’ve just been talking about you. Want to hear what I said? Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

All week, I’ve been suggesting that you are stronger and safer than you imagine. What looks like a problem is really just an issue you need to deal with. It will only become the source of drama and difficulty if, somehow, your response is disproport­ionate. Normally, you’re easily able to detach yourself from intense emotions and act with careful considerat­ion. But for all that’s often said about Aquarians, you’re as passionate as the rest of us and sometimes, strong feelings overwhelm you. Be wary of that this weekend. Pick up the phone. I’ll give you a reading that could change your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

“If you want to be rich, be generous.” So goes the old saying. It doesn’t mean that if we give away all we have, somehow someone else, even richer, will notice, approve and then reward us for our kindness. It means that no feeling is more empowering, enriching and likely to produce a mood of inner security than the feeling you get when you give without expectatio­n of getting anything in return. This weekend, you can afford to be generous, with your time, your heart and your sympathy. From this you can only gain. There’s exceptiona­lly good news in your in-depth forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a mobile, just press # then 5486.)

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